The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a video game for the Famicom and Nintendo Entertainment System in 1989 by SETA, and was based upon the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, written by Mark Twain.
Plot[ | ]
Tom Sawyer is dreaming, and in this dream he must save Becky from Injun Joe, he must travel through six stages to get to her. He encounters various creatures including a Giant Octopus, a Giant Aligator in the Mississippi River, Ghosts and Ghouls in a haunted house, God, and a dragon. He wakes up from the dream and finds himself in his Mississippi classroom. He finds a feather on his desk. The feather that belonged to Injun Joe. Was it a dream...?
Overview[ | ]
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a platformer similar to Super Mario Brothers, wherein one plays as Tom Sawyer. The game is not to be confused with Square's Tom Sawyer.