Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures is an MMORPG from Funcom set in the world of Hyboria, a world created by Robert Ervin Howard over 70 years ago. The world has since then been further developed by many different authors.
When you start a character in Age of Conan you will not choose your class immediately. The only thing you choose when starting up is what race and sex your character will be. The different races are Stygian, Aquilonian and Cimmerian. Some classes are only available to some races. At level 5 you choose your archetype. The different archetypes are Priest, Soldier, Rogue and Mage. Each of the archetypes has three to four different classes to choose from, which you choose at level 20.
Gameplay[ | ]
The gameplay in Age of Conan is revolutionary compared to other MMOs. Although much will be similar to other, MMOs, Age of Conan brings a whole new way of fighting.
{| class="wikitable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="font-size: 90%; text-align: center; table-layout: fixed;" align="right"
|+ Playable Races and Class Combinations |- ! rowspan=2 |Archetypes ! rowspan=2 |Classes ! colspan=3 |Races |- ! Aquilonian ! Cimmerian ! Stygian |- ! rowspan=3 |Mage ! Demonologist | style="background: #ffdddd" | No | style="background: #ffdddd" | No | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes |- ! Herald of Xotli | style="background: #ffdddd" | No | style="background: #ffdddd" | No | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes |- !Necromancer | style="background: #ffdddd" | No | style="background: #ffdddd" | No | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes |- ! rowspan=3 |Priest ! Bear Shaman | style="background: #ffdddd" | No | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes | style="background: #ffdddd" | No |- ! Priest of Mitra | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes | style="background: #ffdddd" | No | style="background: #ffdddd" | No |- ! Tempest of Set | style="background: #ffdddd" | No | style="background: #ffdddd" | No | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes |- ! rowspan=3 |Rogue ! Assassin | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes | style="background: #ffdddd" | No | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes |- ! Barbarian | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes | style="background: #ffdddd" | No |- ! Ranger | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes |- ! rowspan=3 |Soldier ! Conqueror | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes | style="background: #ffdddd" | No |- ! Dark Templar | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes | style="background: #ffdddd" | No |- ! Guardian | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes | style="background: #ddffdd" | Yes | style="background: #ffdddd" | No |}
Features[ | ]
Age of Conan features a whole new fighting system, designed to make you feel more present in the game. The system features many different ways to fight.
In melee combat you don't select one enemy and auto-attack, while you sometimes do some special attacks. You turn your character towards the enemy or enemies you wish to attack, and you hit from different angles. This enables you to hit more than one enemy at a time. Doing different angled attacks in a certain way, you can build up combos.
Ranged combat is also different from what it has been in many other MMOs. You don't have an auto-attack function here either, but you have to aim at your enemy and shoot. You have two different ways of doing this; cone attack and sniping. Cone attack basically makes a narrow cone in front of your character, and when you shoot you shoot at the player closest and most directly in front of you within the cone. Sniping is a FPS version of ranged combat. You have to aim at the enemy you want, which requires a lot more player skill than before.
Age of Conan also features mounted combat. You will be able to fight enemies on your mount, giving you higher speed and more leverage, but not as many combos. Rangers will be able to do ranged combat on mounts, and they have combos here as well.
In Age of Conan, casters are able to do something called spellweaving. Basically, they do different spells that they build up in a container before unleashing it's power. Several casters from different classes are able to build spells together in order to create many different effects for the final spell.