Codex Gamicus

Baramon is the main antagonist of Ara Fell. He is a daywalking vampire who is immune to the effects of sunlight, causing most people to assume he is a normal human. He is responsible for the vampire outbreak that nearly drove his former elven race to extinction and is the first vampire, having become one after his failed attempt to reach godhood. He seeks the Sunstone to become a godlike being, believing that the continent of Ara Fell needs a new god to lead them due to the original goddess's disappearance. He manipulates the party and his vampire allies to obtain the artifacts and Soul Stones, but does not reveal his true plans to the latter group, as they want to become elves or humans and cannot be turned into "gods" in their current state. He is a manipulator, poseur, and Monster Progenitor who starts out specializing in binding spells and relies on minions for offensive power. However, he eventually becomes more directly involved in the conflict, using explosives to take out the remaining elves and slitting Dian's throat before using the Sunstone to transform into a One-Winged Angel. Despite initially appearing to have good intentions, he becomes completely insane by the end of the game.
