Codex Gamicus
Codex Gamicus

Bionic Heart

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(Copied and pasted from Winter Wolves thread. All credit for game and what's below goes to Jack and anyone else who helped him out. Highlight under the ending names to see spoilers.)

Warning - spoilers ahead!  Continue reading ONLY if you're stuck and want to know how to reach a specific ending. You see each ending title below, to see the clue, select the white text with the mouse 

"Luke never meets Tanya"

-simply pick: "dont open the door and call the police" - option at the beginning of the game

Simply call the police when Tanya wants to enter your house.

"Luke tries to shoot Tanya"

-After opening the door examine bedroom until you find the gun. Pick up gun and choose to shoot Tanya.

In your bedroom in chapter1, take the gun and use the option "shoot Tanya!"

"Jealous Tanya kills Helen"

In chapter 3, when you go see Helen, sleep at her place, and the next day go straight to the office without passing at home

"Tanya kills Luke"

Chapter 3, you decide to get back to your home to sleep and Tanya kisses you. You go to bed and when you're awakened by her, try to enter the bathroom. When she refuses to let you in use the option "Call the police"

"Luke becomes a robot"

Two way to reach this, both in last chapter. When you work for Mark, you can go to police and pick the option "Report Nanotech's illegal experiments". Or, if you go with Helen to the "interview" with Julia & Tom, if you answer badly and Helen gets upset, you'll see a variation but same ending.

"Tanya kidnaps Luke"

You accept to go to Julia interview. But before, you made Tanya angry by following Helen's suggestion to go to the police: she'll intercept you before you can reach the pub and she'll kidnap you.

"Tanya is arrested by police"

Quite easy, in the first chapters you go to police station and pick "Report Tanya" option

"Tanya had a soul too"

Subplot where you decide to tell everything to Helen. But you ALSO told Tom the truth about Tanya before, when you go back sleeping at your place and Tanya shows up with jogging outfit. Julia will come and you'll pick the option "Stay here".

"You escape to Mars"

Subplot where you decide to tell everything to Helen. But you ALSO told Tom the truth about Tanya before, when you go back sleeping at your place and Tanya shows up with jogging outfit. Julia will come and you'll pick the option "Escape to Mars".

"Luke ends his life in jail"

Last chapter, you're working for Mark. After Tom is fired and you go look after him, and go to the appointment at the park. You told him about Tanya before when he came to your house and saw Tanya in jogging outfit.

"Luke and Tina prisoners"

Two way to get this one.  1. You accept to go to Julia interview and you didn't made Tanya angry by trying to go to the police. You answer badly to Julia's question and Helen gets angry at her. 2. In the subplot where Helen leaves you, at one point Tina enters Nanotech and start asking questions. If you accepted mark offer, you'll see an option "Tell her where the laboratory is" and you'll see a variation of the ending.

"Luke is killed by Julia"

In subplot where Helen leaves you. You try entering the Nanotech secret lab through the sewers, and when Julia appears, you pick "try to kill Julia".

"Tanya is a serial killer"

In subplot where Helen leaves you. You try entering the Nanotech secret lab through the sewers, and when Julia appears, you pick "free Tina". When police arrives, you fail to calm Tanya down and she kills you by rage.

"Tanya loves Luke"

Subplot with Helen. You stay in your flat and the robot guards arrive. You pick your gun and go to help Tanya. After the battle ends, Helen ask you if you love her, or Tanya, and you admit that you love Tanya.

"Bionic... hearts"

In subplot where Helen leaves you. You try entering the Nanotech secret lab through the sewers, and when Julia appears, you pick "Try to stop the alarm". You didn't manage to convince Tom to come with you. After Julia & Tanya kills Richard and police arrives, you pick the option "You'll take care of them".

"Richard's menace"

In subplot where Helen leaves you. You try entering the Nanotech secret lab through the sewers, and when Julia appears, you pick "free Tina". When police arrives, you manage to calm Tanya, but Richard has escaped. Where he is now?

"Julia the fortune-teller"

In subplot where Helen leaves you. You try entering the Nanotech secret lab through the sewers, and when Julia appears, you pick "Try to stop the alarm". You managed to convince Tom to come with you. When Richard flees with Julia, she'll kill him.

"Luke marries Tanya"

In subplot where Helen leaves you. You try entering the Nanotech secret lab through the sewers, and when Julia appears, you pick "Try to stop the alarm". You didn't manage to convince Tom to come with you. After Julia & Tanya kills Richard and police arrives, you pick the option "Tell them to escape".

"Luke the great scientist"

You work for Mark and Helen left you. In the final test, before you try to "revive Julia", Mark ask you how do you feel. You picked "I'm feeling broken". 

"Luke's sacrifice"

You work for Mark and Helen left you. In the final test, before you try to "revive Julia", Mark ask you how do you feel. You picked "Nothing's wrong". 

"A new dawn"

In subplot where you tell Helen about everything, and you get invited by Julia. You go back to Helen's place and tell what happened. Tanya tells you to go to the interview with Julia & Tom, but you follow Helen's advice and pick the option "Go to police station".

"Mark & Julia"

You accept to go to Julia interview with Helen, and you didn't made Tanya angry by trying to go to the police. You manage to reply "correctly" to Julia's questions so that Helen doesn't get angry at her.

"Not an illusion"

Subplot with Helen. You stay in your flat and the robot guards arrive. Two ways to get it: 1. You pick your gun and go to help Tanya. After the battle ends, Helen ask you if you love her, or Tanya, and you pick the reply "No, I love you Helen". 2. You hide in the wardrobe, but you don't have the required values in relationship with Helen & Tanya (See below). 

"Happy Ending"

This is the ultimate ending, and the most "difficult" to get. To get that one you need: if attributes[Ptanya]>50 and attributes[Phelen]>60: so 50 relationship with Tanya and 60 with Helen

In practice this can be accomplished for Helen quite easily (tell her you want to live with her, do well when she comes to make the surprise dinner, etc.). For Tanya is a bit more difficult since there are several points where you can change her relationship into positive one, but still is possible, for example: 1."You like her" (when you meet her) +10 2."Reassure her about your intentions" (when you pick the gun in your bedroom) +5 3."Ask if she was worried about you" (if you stay at Helen in chapter3 and then go back to your house) +5 4."Flirt with Tanya" (when she kisses you) +15 5."Try with kind manners" (when she has the bathroom crisis) +5

considering you start with relationship at 30, you just need the 1 and 4 to have relationship >50.  Then, when you tell Helen everything and the bots arrive at your flat, you hide in the wardrobe and you should get this ending!
