Codex Gamicus

Call of Duty: Black Ops II

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PS3[ | ]

Text taken from here

1.19 (Nov 6, 2014)[ | ]

General Issues Addressed

In-game Store
  • Upgraded in-game store functionality.

1.18 (May 20, 2014)[ | ]

Multiplayer Issues Addressed

  • Fixed the issue with the Dragon calling card not showing up in the calling card menu.

1.17 (May 1, 2014)[ | ]

New Features & Feature Improvements

  • Added a number of security system enhancements.

1.16 (Feb. 27, 2014)[ | ]

New Features & Feature Improvements

  • Added a number of security system enhancements.

1.15 (Sep. 18, 2013)[ | ]

Multiplayer Issues Addressed

  • Fixed an issue with users equipping Scorestreaks in unintended circumstances.
  • Ladders now appear correctly when viewing them from your Profile while in the League menu.

1.14 (Aug. 22, 2013)[ | ]

Multiplayer Issues Addressed

  • Fixed an issue which caused strafe and backwards movement speeds to be slower than intended in certain circumstances.
  • Addressed an issue where Players were able to copy other Players’ emblems.
  • Fixed an issue where throwing down and picking up equipment (such as the Bouncing Betty) for a long period of time would cause those items to become invisible when thrown.
  • Fixed bullet and equipment collision in Detour with several of the metal tiles in the lower section of the bridge.
  • Players are no longer able to stand on invisible collision near the crane in Uplink.
  • Fixed an issue in Uplink where Players were able to access invisible collision near the lower start spawn, outside of the intended playspace.
  • Players are no longer able to Dive-To-Prone into a section of the downed plane in Cove.
  • Improved stability with the preview movies in CoDTV when signing in and out of profiles.
  • Fixed an issue where the lobby countdown timer would reset back to full in certain circumstances.

Zombies Issues Addressed

  • Zombies no longer jitter when they climb on the roof of the bus or when they enter from the windows.
  • Fixed an issue where zombies killed inside the bus would attack Players for a second before despawning.

Die Rise

  • Leapers no longer become stuck in the main elevator shaft.


  • The Double Points upgrade now applies when purchasing ammunition for wall-buy weapons.
  • Fixed an issue in the starting area where Players were able to Dive-To-Prone and safely land on collision without going down the slide.
  • Players are no longer able to Dive-To-Prone on a fence outside the Church and become free from zombie attack.
  • Addressed an issue where Players were able to place a Trample Steam in the Courthouse tunnels, launch themselves into a wall, and become free from zombie attack.
  • Fixed an issue where Players were receiving points by touching zombies with the Insta-Kill persistent upgrade active and a sniper rifle equipped.
  • Players are no longer able to access unintended collision in-between the General Store and Stables and be free from zombie attack.
  • Players no longer get stuck at the bottom of the slide when using Dive-To-Prone.
  • Fixed an issue where zombies were getting stuck in walls when Players stood in Vulture-Aid stink.
  • Players are no longer able to stand on invisible collision on the Stables’ exterior and be free from zombie attack.

1.13 (Jul. 23, 2013)[ | ]

New Features

  • Season Pass holders will now be reminded to download Season Pass content which they haven’t previously downloaded.

Multiplayer Issues Addressed

  • Improved stability when pressing buttons during a Theater mode screenshot.
  • Improved stability when selecting an account for a secondary user when going online.
  • Screenshots taken during Theater mode from a match on Uplink will no longer become corrupt.

Multiplayer Game Balancing

  • AN-94: Damage slightly reduced.
  • DSR 50: Rate of fire reduced.
  • Ballista: Rate of fire slightly reduced.

Zombies Issues Addressed
Die Rise

  • Players are no longer able to access unintended areas using the Trample Steam and the Elevator.

Mob of the Dead

  • Pack-A-Punch version of the Raygun Mark II now displays the correct skin.

1.12 (Jun. 27, 2013)[ | ]

Multiplayer Issues Addressed

  • Addressed an issue reported by the community where camos and reticles would change or disappear.
  • Addressed an issue reported by the community where players could run away with the bomb in a Search and Destroy or Demolition match.
  • Addressed an issue reported by the community where players could become invincible for a period of time.
  • Resolved an exploit reported by the community where players could receive a secondary weapon in the primary slot in Create a Class.
  • Fixed an issue with friendly Stealth Choppers attacking friendly AGR’s in Free for All.
  • Fixed a map exploit on Turbine that allowed the player to hide inside of a rock.
  • Fixed an issue where the Emblems and Calling Cards were not updating for a 2nd profile signed in as a Split-Screen user.
  • Fixed an issue with the “NEW” text appearing next to the Personalize Weapon prompt when there was nothing new.

Zombies Issues Addressed

  • Resolved an issue where downs received in a Solo Match counted as deaths on the Global Leaderboards.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the host from launching a Grief or Turned Custom Game.

Mob of the Dead

  • Addressed an issue reported by the community where players could avoid zombie attacks in corners and near perk machines.
  • Addressed an issue reported by the community where players could activate the electric chair on the bridge while being in last stand.
  • Addressed an issue reported by the community where players could reach the top of the closed gate at the docks.
  • Addressed an issue reported by the community where players would die when boarding the gondola at the docks.
  • Fixed an issue with the M1927 that caused it to do lower damage at mid-range.
  • Fixed an issue where the sniper tower trap could fire on players.
  • Fixed an issue where screenshots would be distorted or corrupted when saved.
  • Fixed several map holes where players could enter unplayable sections of the map.

1.11 (May. 23, 2013)[ | ]

Feature Improvements

  • Improved and expanded who can be the host of a game lobby.

Multiplayer Issues Addressed

  • Resolved an issue reported by the community where the reticle would sometimes disappear.
  • Addressed an issue reported by the community where the Peacekeeper would sometimes disappear after a host migration.
  • Addressed an issue reported by the community where the Scorestreak progress bar would not fill up.
  • Fixed an issue reported by the community where the ammo count for the Death Machine and War Machine would reset on round change.
  • Fixed a joining exploit reported by the community where players could create a lobby for boosting.
  • Fixed the player’s character model shifting sideways slightly when the A10F Warthog makes a strafe run.
  • Addressed an issue with the Death Machine receiving the War Machine’s ammo.
  • C4 will no longer detonate when it touches the front of moving gondolas on Downhill.
  • Resolved a client freeze when the client continually scrolls Create-a-Class sets while the host of a party changes lobbies and brings the party with them.
  • Fixed an issue with sound and visual effects not working when a tactical insertion is destroyed by the sliding alien targets on Studio.
  • Addressed an issue with C4 not being destroyed by the sliding alien targets on Studio.
  • Resolved an issue with the player floating down slowly when re-spawning if their tactical insertion was placed on a ledge.
  • Fixed an issue with held Scorestreak weapons not reloading the current ammo upon death.

Game Balancing

  • KAP-40: Damage reduced.
  • B23R: Damage reduced.
  • B23R Dual Wield: Damage reduced.
  • B23R Dual Wield: Hip fire accuracy reduced.


  • FHJ-18: Movement speed increased.

Zombies Issues Addressed

  • Resolved an issue with the Grief Leaderboards not updating properly on the first match completed.
  • Resolved an issue with host migration not functioning between disc to disc users.

Mob of the Dead

  • Addressed several Zombie pathing issues found by the community.
  • Addressed an issue that caused Zombies to pile up on the planted Zombie Shield.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get more Blundergats than intended.
  • Addressed an issue where you could fall out of the Gondola into unplayable areas.
  • Addressed an issue where players could mantle into unplayable areas in the Cell House.
  • Addressed an issue in Grief Mode where players could push each other onto the top of the map in the cell house.
  • Fixed an issue where players would not receive grenades after a round change.
  • Fixed an issue where afterlife doors would not show up if you hot joined a game.
  • Fixed several theater mode issues where the free roam camera could clip out of the world.
  • Fixed an issue where all players in a co-op game could hear the “click” of an empty Ray Gun.
  • Addressed an issue where players could revive themselves and fall under staircases.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hell’s Retriever effects would sometimes vanish.
  • Fixed an issue where Zombies would not attack players crouched in corners.
  • Fixed an issue where players could fall through the map after being revived in the Infirmary.
  • Fixed an issue where random Afterlife markers would show up for players after the first plane trip.

Die Rise

  • Fixed an issue with Zombies getting stuck in the starting room on Die Rise.

1.10 (Apr. 30, 2013)[ | ]

Feature Improvements

  • Added a limited time game mode to the Bonus Playlist, the Arms Race Team Deathmatch variant awards players 150 score per kill. Let the Scorestreak wars begin.
  • Added a post-match Connection Quality survey which will be presented to a sampling of players to assess online gameplay connection quality.

Multiplayer Issues Addressed

  • Fixed an issue reported by the community where players could get infinite ammo for the Death Machine and War Machine.
  • Addressed an issue reported by the community where players may not die when getting stuck with a Crossbow Bolt.
  • Fixed an issue reported by the community where the Hunter Killer drones will float around slowly when they miss a target from a certain angle.
  • Addressed an issue reported by the community where the frame rate may drop for other players when the host changes their audio settings during a match.
  • Players can now enter the crouched position while sprinting with the Riot Shield equipped.
  • Care packages now appear in blue and orange on the map when Color Blind Assist is enabled.
  • Resolved an issue where players and turrets could survive the water rush when in certain areas on Hydro.
  • Resolved a UI issue with Tactical Insertion button prompt placement in Split Screen after a Host Migration.
  • Resolved an inconsistency with Max Number of Players being displayed incorrectly when backing out of a Public Match search while it is searching.
  • Addressed an issue with the Respawn Delay counter overlapping with other on-screen graphics in Split Screen.
  • Addressed an issue with League Teams appearing incorrectly when they view another player’s League Team in the Leaderboards.
  • Resolved an issue where other player’s Combat Records appeared greyed out the first time their Playercard was selected in the Leaderboards.
  • Fixed a formatting issue in Leagues Season Final text where the date the player was placed was wrapping incorrectly.
  • Overkill challenges will now progress if the player is using an alternate select fire mode.
  • The upper metal plate of a planted Assault Shield now appears in the proper position during a Killcam.
  • Addressed an issue with the Custom and Private Match change team scoreboard not updating in real time when the overlay is on screen.
  • Addressed a rapid scrolling issue in the Preset Class Menu.
  • Chopper Hunter Field Specialist challenge updated to Aircraft Hunter with a description that reflects the aircrafts that need to be destroyed to complete the challenge.
  • Text displayed for “Enemies forfeiting…” increased on Split-Screen to make it more legible.
  • Fixed an issue with the last player alive defusing the bomb in Search & Destroy not receiving any defuse points.
  • Resolved an issue with signing in and out while a film in loading in Theater.
  • The icon to distinguish a Search & Destroy bomb location is now visible to a Codcaster who is spectating the defending team.
  • Addressed an issue where the second player of a Split Screen match would flicker in and out of the stream.
  • Resolved an issue with attempting to sign into a Twitch account with Dual Play enabled.
  • Fixed an issue in the Combat Record where the images would disappear when scrolling off of and on to the Combat Record.
  • Fixed an issue in Offline System Link when the host leaves a lobby.

Gameplay Balancing

  • Reverted global spawn influencer change from previous game update due to undesirable side effects.

1.09 (Apr. 11, 2013)[ | ]

Feature Improvements

  • Added Prestige Level Calling Cards for each Prestige Level.
  • Players will now control the last Scorestreak called when calling in multiple remote controllable Scorestreaks.
  • Updated the League Lobbies to display Team Rank next to each Team Member’s name.
  • Added Suicide and Team Killed Penalties to the Game Rules/Spawn Settings Menu for Custom Games.
  • Added a feature to kick players if they suicide too often in a game.

Multiplayer Issues Addressed

  • Fixed an issue reported by the community where the Lodestar view remains on screen if the VTOL Warship is destroyed after being previously kicked from the VTOL due to friendly fire.
  • Updated Menus to combat exploits reported by the community.
  • Addressed a persistent Counter UAV issue that occurred during host migrations.
  • Fixed an issue reported by the community where the player was not earning any progress for the Chopper Hunter Field Specialist challenge.
  • Fixed an issue reported by the community where C4 was doing no damage to enemies if blown up the moment it attaches to a surface.
  • Addressed an issue reported by the community with activating Prestige on a weapon not removing attachments from that weapon in other class sets.
  • Prestige Master icon can now be seen as the ‘next Prestige’ when players reach the max Prestige Level.
  • Resolved an issue with the Orbital VSAT Scorestreak losing time during the host migration count down.
  • Resolved a collision issue on Grind which caused the player to become stuck on the vert ramp.
  • Fixed an issue where players were able to place a turret while under the big rig in Aftermath.
  • Addressed a couple issues with the Sentry Gun and AGR Scorestreak tablets remaining open when the player transitions to the Scorestreak while it is being destroyed.
  • The Attachments menu in the After Action Report now indicates the XP a player earns from leveling up a weapon.
  • Resolved an issue where players would lose control of Sentry Guns if they take control of it while it is being destroyed.
  • Fixed an issue with Turret and Guardian placement within certain objects in Aftermath.
  • Improved performance in Theater when a player Previews a Clip over and over again while their Clips in the Timeline Editor are maxed out.
  • Fixed an issue with the environment disappearing when dying and spectating the water in Carrier.
  • The music now plays for everyone during the Final Killcam.
  • Addressed an issue on PlayStation 3 where the Listen In toggle, while CODcasting, was listening to all whether it was toggled on or not.
  • Fixed an issue in Theater where the camera viewed under the map while watching players that had not spawned in.
  • Resolved an issue with the AGR icon only appearing on the mini-map when it was firing both the machine gun and rockets at the same time.
  • Resolved an issue with the Victory/Defeat screen not accurately displaying the amount of XP a player had earned in Objective based game modes on Combat Training.
  • Addressed multiple issues with reloading the War Machine Scorestreak.
  • Adjusted the Scoreboard columns when CODcasting Free For All to display points in the first column instead of player score.
  • Fixed an issue with the HUD pushing off the screen when CODcasting in Theater during a round transition.
  • Resolved an issue in Theater where Party Leaders could not render videos while players joined the lobby.
  • Addressed an issue with the Chat Notification not appearing on the in game screen for players who were speaking in Party Chat.
  • Fixed an animation issue for the Combat Knife when holding aim down sight and pressing the melee attack button.
  • Resolved an inconsistency in the Emblem Editor with the way emblems were being displayed between profiles.
  • Resolved an issue in the Player Channel where deleted screenshots and edited films were appearing as an error when viewed by another player.
  • Addressed an issue in the League Play slide menu where the Career Wins stat was not updating for previous seasons when the player had not yet been placed.
  • Fixed an issue with the Game Settings Update prompt getting cut off when choosing to update after the idle screen fade out.
  • Resolved an issue with the gondolas on Downhill continuing to move during a host migration.
  • Fixed an issue with the Emblems on Playercards viewed from the in-game Scoreboard showing corruption.
  • Addressed an issue in Search and Destroy where players would sometimes spawn into the next round with their secondary weapon.
  • Resolved an endless loading prompt to connect to Twitch when attempting to unlink and re-link accounts with no login information.
  • Fixed a Twitch/Twitter menu issue where some fields were still accessible while connecting to Twitch/Twitter.
  • Resolved a UI issue with rapidly using Like and Dislike on user generated content.
  • Fixed an issue with the equipped DLC reticle displaying the wrong preview reticle when going from a DLC reticle to any other reticle equipped on another weapon.
  • Addressed the Hellstorm Missile boost button prompt not updating correctly for some controller button layouts.
  • Addressed multiple menu layering issues.
  • Fixed an issue with the laser effect not appearing in game on a Laser Sight if the player spams the Switch Weapons button.
  • Addressed an issue with the mini-map overlapping the objective text when a CODcaster has the control panel open.
  • Resolved an issue with the Bacon and Dia De Muertos DLC camos not appearing on enemy weapons when the player is using a weapon that has the Millimeter Scanner attachment equipped.
  • Fix for League Season History and League Leaderboard UI errors.

Gameplay Balancing

  • Adjusted Hijacked engine room Hardpoint zone to extend to ladders.
  • Lightning Strike Radar will not reactivate after round change if it has been used in a previous round.
  • Global enemy spawn influencers adjusted.
  • Adjusted objective spawn influencers in Capture the Flag.

Zombies Issues Addressed

  • Fixed a UI Error that occurred on Turned.
  • Resolved various bugs around the Die Rise map.

1.08 (Mar. 12, 2013)[ | ]

Feature Improvements

  • The CODcast control panel can now optionally show the overhead map in the player list in games with 10 players or less.
  • Added the ability to view past seasons for all the leagues a team has been a part of in League History.

Added the ability to view past seasons for all the leagues a team has been a part of in League History.

  • Resolved an issue where players were receiving an error message when trying to join a System Link or LAN Party lobby without internet connection.
  • Resolved an issue where clients could not join a PS3 LAN Party when not connected to PSN.
  • Resolved Select Fire reverting back to default settings after a round transition.
  • Fixed a potential exploit using the Trophy System.
  • Addressed an issue with the Collector’s Edition camo un-equipping from weapons.
  • Addressed an issue on PS3 with some Revolution map loading screens showing a checkerboard image and occasionally giving an error message on load after downloading the pack from the in-game Store.
  • Addressed an issue with the Peacekeeper not appearing for players that join into a match that is already in progress.
  • Resolved an issue on Drone where the automatic doors at the weapon plant would trigger/destroy Lethal Equipment.
  • Addressed an issue with the highlight for the Dual Band Scope on players equipped with certain weapons.
  • Fixed an issue with the planted bomb disappearing at the “B” site on Hydro when the water floods.
  • Addressed an issue with the VTOL Warship not destroying if hit when exiting the map.
  • Players will now be able to complete the Shredder Scorestreak challenge using a Death Machine from a care package.
  • The Stealth Chopper no longer counts towards completion of the Chopper Hunter challenge.
  • Resolved an issue where planted Riot Shields were not getting destroyed by the gondolas in Downhill.
  • Resolved an issue with C4 and Bouncing Betty’s killing players on contact.
  • Fixed an issue where the Combat Axe would sometime destroy the Guardian.
  • Addressed a missing image issue with the Medals section of the Combat Record for new players.
  • Players with Hard Wired equipped will no longer lose their Care Package if throwing it while an enemy EMP Scorestreak is active.
  • Fixed an issue with bomb plants being automatically aborted while a Care Package or Hunter Killer Drone is equipped.
  • Addressed a graphical issue with the small thumbnail CODTV videos on PS3.
  • Hosts can now kick players in Custom Game lobbies.
  • Videos being rendered in the Theater will no longer be automatically canceled when the controller disconnects.
  • The CODcast UI is now displaying the flag for the Flag Carrier in the Objective column.
  • Addressed a button mapping issue in the Emblem Options menu.
  • Resolved an issue with the red crosshair appearing in the Target Finder when targeting an enemy equipped with Cold Blooded.
  • Fixed an issue with the stats tracking for the Executioner’s Accuracy in the Combat Record.
  • Resolved an issue with the Mission Complete trophy on PS3.
  • Fixed an issue where the Friends List showed a joinable/green arrow icon for players who were not playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 2.
  • Resolved an issue where the turret in the northern building on Turbine would become unusable.
  • Addressed an issue with the Lightning Strike Scorestreak if the player had the tablet out during a host migration.
  • Fixed an issue with some weapons having invisible magazines from 3rd person animations during an automatic reload.
  • Addressed an issue where the game would sometimes crash after repeated host migrations.
  • Fixed knife lunge launching players on the Express map.
  • Fixed an issue where the player could get an empty War Machine or Death Machine when switching classes at the start of the match.
  • Addressed a loss of functionality for the player and guest when switching between Multiplayer and Zombies and having the guest switch back to Multiplayer.
  • Match clocks in Multi-Team and Free-for-All games modes no longer continue to tick down in Theater when a CODcast game is paused.
  • Resolved an issue where planting a Claymore in front of a crouched player with a Riot Shield would cause the Claymore to fly across the map.
  • Resolved a couple of overlapping UI issues when CODcasting.
  • Players can now turn the Voice Icon On/Off when CODcasting a match in Theater.
  • Freed up some additional memory when transitioning from Zombies to Multiplayer to improve stability on PS3.
  • Addressed an issue on PS3 with the Calling Cards not sorting properly after unlocking them.

Gameplay Balancing

Spawn System Improvements:
  • Reduced the weight of positive team spawn influencers on owned Domination flags. This reduces cases in Domination where players may spawn near their team but also near danger.
  • Added more spawn points to Hijacked for Demolition and Kill Confirmed, which improves the spawn-picking algorithm on that map in those game modes.
  • Adjusted spawn influencers on Standoff for improved spawn-picking algorithms in all game modes.
  • MSMC: Recoil has been increased.
  • MSMC: Hip fire accuracy has been slightly reduced.
  • PDW57: Recoil has been increased.
  • PDW57: Hip fire accuracy has been slightly reduced.
  • KAP-40: Dual wield damage reduced.
  • KAP-40: Dual wield hip fire accuracy has been reduced.
  • MMS: Cold blooded now renders enemies almost completely invisible to MMS.
  • QBB-LSW: Medium range damage increased.
  • HAMR: Medium range damage increased.
Assault Rifles:
  • FAL OSW + Select Fire: Damage reduced when firing full auto.
  • SMR + Select Fire: Damage reduced when firing full auto.
  • Type 25: Move speed increased.
  • Type 25: Medium range damage increased.
  • SCAR: Long range damage increased.
  • SWAT-556: Long range damage increased.
  • M1216: Medium range damage increased.
Sniper Rifles:
  • Ballista + Iron Sight: Idle sway reduced.

Zombies Issues Addressed

  • Resolved several issues with exploitable areas in the Die Rise
  • Resolved several exploits in Green Run
  • Resolved network/connectivity issues that could occur in the frontend and lobbies.

1.07 (Feb. 19, 2013)[ | ]

1.06 (Jan. 30, 2013)[ | ]

1.04 (Dec. 6, 2012)[ | ]

New Features & Feature Improvements

  • Added support for posting Live Stream URLs to Twitter.
  • Improved audio/rumble responsiveness when hitting enemies with gunfire.
  • Improved overall communication of Double XP when enabled.
  • AAR better communicates how much XP was earned in each match.
  • Added the ability to "View League Teams" from any player's Playercard.
  • Added the ability to “View Playercard” from League solo leaderboards.
  • Added the ability to “View Playercard” from League solo leaderboards.
  • Added Hardcore Kill Confirmed playlist to the Hardcore category

Issues Addressed

  • Fixed a rare hang (“Awaiting Textures”) upon loading into maps when joining a session in progress after fresh boot.
  • Game now resets the Care Package for a non-owner if the owner re-rolls the package using the Engineer perk.
  • Players with Black Hat PDA can no longer hack a Care Package faster than the owner can capture it.
  • Addressed an exploit where modified console hackers could maliciously spread infected films to other users.
  • Added a fail-safe to prevent spawn trapping in CTF.
  • Increased sight checks on turrets to improve spawning algorithms.
  • Fixed a number of new UI error messages reported by users.
  • Addressed a number of issues that would cause friendly/enemy color indicators on equipment and scorestreaks to display as the wrong team.
  • Improved overall Theater and Live Streaming stability.
  • Improved film rendering stability and made progression bar more accurate while rendering a film.
  • Addressed issues which prevented some master challenges from being completed.
  • Precision challenge “Wet Work” will now unlock with 10 kills.
  • The wins challenge will now account for all FFA modes when ending a match with a tie (if you are in the top 3).
  • Players that help with the “Synchronized Attack” challenge now get credit for it.
  • Players will not be able to manually take control of their AGR if they die at the exact moment that their AGR deploys.
  • Emblem Editor no longer closes the current emblem when discarding changes.
  • Players using Ghost will no longer be invisible at all times in Custom Games with the mini-map option set to “constant”.
  • Players using Ghost and a Suppressor attachment will no longer appear on the enemy’s minimap while shooting and moving while a UAV is up.
  • The median for the K/D graph in the AAR is set to 1.0 instead of 0.0.
  • Players can no longer get on top of the shrubs in Nuketown 2025.
  • Thermal vision overlay no longer appears using the VTOL glitch.
  • Kills from the explosion on the explosive crossbow bolt now count towards challenges.
  • Counter UAV no longer remains for the rest of the game after a host migration.
  • Clan tag is no longer locked immediately after prestige.
  • Offline profiles can no longer be exploited to join online games when an online profile is also signed in.
  • Multi-team games no longer count as a tie if an entire team quits.
  • Fixed an area in Express where K9 Unit dogs could get stuck.
  • EMP grenades no longer affect the CODcaster HUD.
  • Party Privacy count no longer affects how many bots will spawn in Combat Training.
  • Shadows seen through sniper scopes now render more correctly.
  • Players can no longer stand on invisible collision in Carrier.
  • “Drop Shot” medal is no longer awarded after standing back up.
  • Players can now copy a custom class to the extra prestige slot.

Gameplay Balancing
The following is a list of numerous gameplay balancing tweaks that were made after thorough review of statistical data from usage patterns of weapons, equipment, perks and scorestreaks since launch.

  • UAV: cost increased from 350 to 425.
  • Lightning Strike: added 750ms delay


  • Bouncing Betty: increased the grace period between trigger and activation by 200ms.
  • Sensor Grenade: increased the range (now 1000 units), frequency (now 800ms between pings), and amount of time (now 6s) that players appear after explosion.
  • Concussion Grenade: decreased movement penalty and turn speed penalty when hit.


  • All: increased hip fire recoil.
  • All: increased max hip fire spread from 4.75 to 5.
  • All: reduced bullet penetration.
  • MSMC: increased recoil slightly.
  • PDW-57: increased recoil slightly.

Assault Rifles:

  • All: reduced idle sway for more reliable long-range aiming.
  • XM8: reduced lethal range of 3-hit kills from 250 to 50 inches.
  • XM8 + Select Fire: increased recoil.
  • FAL OSW + Select Fire: increased recoil.
  • SWAT-556 + Select Fire: increased recoil.
  • MTAR: Made auto aim values consistent with all other assault rifles.

Sniper Rifles:

  • All: increased hip fire spread.
  • All + Laser Sight: increased hip fire spread.
  • XPR-50: increased recoil slightly.


  • R870: reduced one-hit kill range by 45 inches.


  • B23R: reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4 to 1.
  • KAP-40: reduced headshot multiplier from 1.4 to 1

1.03 (Nov. 17, 2012)[ | ]

  • Made performance improvements to matchmaking and lobby timers to start matches faster.
  • Addressed an issue contributing to the majority of reported freezes. A small number of low frequency cases continue to undergo investigation for the next patch update.
  • Many backend updates have been made since launch to streamline servers for load balancing. This results in many general improvements to matchmaking, user content servers, leaderboards and online security.
  • Made infrastructure and performance improvements to Live Streaming.
  • Made streaming performance improvements to video playback in CODTV.
  • Addressed an issue where flight range parameters for airborne vehicles could be deleted in the middle of a match due to a network interruption. This fix resolves the following symptoms reported by the community:
  • Escort drone flying under the map
  • Inability to call in the Dragonfire
  • FHJ-18 weapon level is now increased by destroying Scorestreak vehicles and aircraft.
  • Care Package/AGR canister exploit has been addressed.
  • Patched a small map exploit in Aftermath.
  • Addressed a rare situation that would cause the Emblem Editor menu to overlap other menus.
  • Balance pass on spawn influencers to improve cases causing non-optimal spawning under certain conditions.
  • Improved performance for emblem uploads to prevent an occasional hang. If there is an error connecting to servers during an upload, you will now be able to re-try your save.
  • Emblems and Clan tags will now appear correctly on the Assault Shield when stowed on the back.
  • Addressed all reported UI error code messages.
  • Elite Clan Friends list no longer actively sorts players when their status is updated. The player list will refresh after closing and re-opening the tab.
  • Improved a number of emblem icons in the Emblem Editor.
  • Junkyard IV reward added to Calling Cards.

Xbox 360[ | ]

Text taken from here.

May 15, 2014[ | ]

Multiplayer Issues Addressed:

  • Fixed the issue with the Dragon calling card not showing up in the calling card menu.

Apr. 29, 2014[ | ]

New Features & Feature Improvements:

  • Added a number of security system enhancements.

Feb. 26, 2014[ | ]

New Features & Feature Improvements:

  • Added a number of security system enhancements.