Codex Gamicus
Cerberus: The Illusive Man
Basic Information
Featured in...
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 2[ | ]

The reclusive tycoon calling himself the Illusive Man is a human nationalist focused on advancing human interests, whatever the cost to non-humans. The Citadel Council regards him as a fanatic posing as a serious threat to galactic security.

A mysterious maverick to say the last, the Illusive Man heads the Cerberus network. Dubbed "the Illusive empire" by investigators, Cerberus is al allegedly untraceable syndicate of private intelligence agencies, biotics laboratories, engineering and scientific research teams, and lucrative front companies.

Branded a terrorist and seditionist organization by authorities, Cerberus is the only human power base other than the Terra Firma Party strong enough to embarrass -- if not threaten -- the Council and its human representatives.

Mass Effect 3[ | ]

The Illusive Man is a human loyalist focused on advancing the interests of his species, whatever the cost to non-humans and reportedly humans. The Citadel Council regards him as a fanatic who poses a serious threat to galactic security.

The reclusive tycoon is the head of Cerberus, an organization that furthers his pro-human agenda throughout the galaxy. His views have led him into questionable alliances. Recent rumors go so far as to suggest that the Illusive Man may even have allied with the Reapers.
