Codex Gamicus

On Codex Gamicus, we use what are called Effect Charts. These allow us to display weaknesses that specific enemies are vulnerable too. There are five colours we use:

  • Green means Weak. This means the indicated element or status effect is particularly effective against the enemy, and should be exploited where possible.
  • Orange means Half. This means the indicated element deals half the regular damage to the enemy that it would otherwise normally inflict, or indicates partial (not total) resistance to that indicated status effect.
  • Yellow means Nullifies. This means the indicated element deals zero damage to the enemy, or that the enemy is completely immune to the indicated status affect, and should thus be avoided in your move rotations.
  • Red means Absorbs. In the case of an elemental attack, this indicates that the enemy adds the attack damage to their HP, making the move worse that useless.
  • Blue means Variable. This means the enemy is vulnerable to the indicated element or status effect, but only at specific point(s) in the battle.