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Cheat Codes[]
Press the tilde (~) key to bring up the console, then type sv_cheats 1, followed by a cheat. Please note: These do NOT work in multiplayer games, only LAN/Single player games with bots.
- (cheat)
- (effect)
- sv_gravity [#]
- replace [#] with any number to change gravity
- r_shadowids 1 with sv cheats on in console
- moving numbers on screen showing players shadows
- impulse 101
- 16,000$
- phys_pushforce [#]
- Flying Bodies/Objects
- net_graph 0
- Won't show stats at bottom of screen
- net_graph 1
- Shows stats at bottom of screen
- cl_crosshairscale 4000
- Small crosshair, doesn't change in size
- noclip
- Lets you fly around the map/through walls