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Darkstalkers 3[]
Selecting Oboro Bishamon[]
On the character select screen, highlight Bishamon, hold select and press punch or kick button.
Selecting Dark Talbain[]
On the character select screen, highlight Jon Talbain and hold select, then press any two punch or any two kick buttons simultaneously.
Selecting Shadow[]
On the character select screen, highlight the random character select icon or the "?", press start 5 times and then any punch or kick button.
Fight Oboro Bishamon[]
To fight Oboro Bishamon, you must meet certain requirements. The player must not have "auto mode" selected. The player cannot lose a single round and defeat at least two opponents with a specific EX move. Oboro Bishamon will appear after the characters boss battle and wining against him will award the player with a special ending featuring Anita and the various characters. The same ending is available for purchase in the vault.
EX move list[]
Character | EX Move |
Anakaris | Pharaoh Salvation or Pharaoh Decoration |
B.B.Hood | Beautiful Memory |
Bishamon | Soul Torment |
Demitri Maximoff | Midnight Pleasure |
Felicia | Please Help Me |
Hsien-Ko | Chinese Bomb |
Jon Talbain/Dark Talbain | Razor Slice |
Jedah Dohma | Prova=Déi=Cervo |
Lilith | Gloomy Puppet Show |
Lord Raptor | Hell Dunk |
Morrigan Aensland | Darkness Illusion |
Q-Bee | plus B |
Rikuo | Aqua Spread |
Sasquatch | Big Sledge |
Victor von Gerdenheim | Gerdenheim 3 |