Codex Gamicus

Final Fantasy XII is the twelfth game in the Final Fantasy series. It is also a radical departure from the traditional Final Fantasy games due to its new real-time battle system, which has garnered a mixed reaction. Many see it as resembling the MMORPG game, Final Fantasy XI, more than any other Final Fantasy game.

It is being developed the team at Square Enix that also developed the Final Fantasy Tactics video games. For this reason, the story takes place in the same world as those games, Ivalice. It features elements from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, such as the oppressive Chocobo-riding Judges.

To coincide with its release, Square Enix released a soft-drink based on the potions in their series called Final Fantasy XII Potion.

Collector's Edition[ | ]

Final Fantasy XII: Collector's Edition comes in a metal case and includes a Collector's DVD which includes North American and Japanese trailers, a history of Final Fantasy features, interviews with the developers, and concept art for the game.

Minimum & Recommended Specifications[ | ]

PlayStation 2 Minimum Specifications
Minimum Specifications
Save 100 KB
