Codex Gamicus

Flash Flash Revolution

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Token 1: Hardcore of the North URL:

Token 2: Xuxa Reversing is the key URL:

Token 3: Takecore of Yourself Go to FAQ on the Navbar, Last Question Has it.

Token 4: Tsugaru 180 New Version. It is at the very bottom of the credits.

Token 5: {Satori} Go to Cornandbeans profile. Post where's the token? on his comment wall. This will put token in your profile

Token 6: Psychosis Bottom of Synthlight's Profile

Token 7: Sifon Go to Text Will read: Unfortunately you need a new pair a glasses. Take a closer look If you click the O in the first Opteron in the business information, it will redirect you to your profile. Auto-Give: May not work

Token 8: Anubis Go to

Token 9: Exciting Hyper Highspeed Star V2 Go to your level rank (on your profile where it says click levelrank to update) so click levelrank. It will show you the songs. If you scroll down you will see a song called Token #9. Click it, linking you to your profile and giving you the token. Auto-Give:

Token 10: Silence v2 Go to
