Codex Gamicus

The IBM PC (short for IBM Personal Computer) was the first personal computer model series manufactured by IBM, and would become not only the basis for future PC models from IBM, but would become a de facto standard for other manufacturers to follow.

First model[ | ]

The first model of the IBM PC series was the IBM PC 5150 was powered by an Intel 8088 microprocessor, and possessed 40K of read-only memory and 16K of user-accessible memory. It also had a built-in speaker, and five expansion slots that could connect additional 32K or 64K memory modules (to a total of 256K), a display adapter capable of 16 colours and 256 characters, a printer that could print in two directions at 80 characters per second in 12 different character styles, and game paddles. The machine was also capable of running self-diagnostic checks. The keyboard supplied had 83 keys, including a dedicated numeric keypad and 10 special keys for specific functions, like writing and editing text.
