Codex Gamicus
Codex Gamicus

Medieval II: Total War

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GOG | In-Game | Origin | PlayStation Trophies | Retro
Steam | Xbox Live

While in the game, press ~ to display the console window. Enter the following codes to activate the listed cheat function. Be careful! Family member names, settlement names, and other proper names must be capitalized correctly.

Result Cheat Code Get listed amount of gold add_money [number] Give city more population add_population :settlement name][number]

Give any trait your faction can have to a specific general [Note]give_trait [character] rai (Medieval 2: Total War) [level number]" code. Some of these can be accompanied with a "level number", usually ranging from 1 to 5, giving additional bonuses (or penalties).

  1. AcademyTrained
  2. AdoredByPope
  3. AgentPiety
  4. Anger
  5. Arse
  6. AssassinsGuildMember
  7. AssassinsGuildTrained
  8. Austere
  9. Authoritarian
  10. BadAmbusher
  11. BadArtilleryCommander
  12. BadAttacker
  13. BadDenouncer
  14. BadDiplomacy
  15. BadGunpowderCommander
  16. BadMerchant
  17. BadPrincess
  18. BadRiskyDefender
  19. BadSiegeDefender
  20. BadTaxman
  21. BattleChivalry
  22. BattleDread
  23. BigotWoman
  24. Bishop
  25. Bloodthirsty
  26. Brave
  27. BraveDiplomat
  28. BraveWoman
  29. CaptorChivalry
  30. CaptorDread
  31. Cardinal
  32. Cheapskate
  33. ChivalryLegacy
  34. ColdWoman
  35. ContentGeneral
  36. Corrupt
  37. Corrupted
  38. Coward
  39. CrusaderHistory
  40. Cuckold
  41. Cultured
  42. Cursed
  43. Deranged
  44. DesperateWoman
  45. Despoiler
  46. Disciplinarian
  47. DiscontentGeneral
  48. DivineProtection
  49. Divorced
  50. Dogmatic
  51. Doomsayer
  52. DreadLegacy
  53. DykeWoman
  54. EasternWarlord
  55. EducatedWoman
  56. Energetic
  57. ExRebel
  58. Exheir
  59. ExoticTastes
  60. ExpensiveTastes
  61. FactionKiller
  62. Factionheir
  63. Factionleader
  64. FairProsecutor
  65. FairWoman
  66. FaithfulWoman
  67. FamousPirate
  68. FathersLegacy
  69. Fearscatholic
  70. Fearsheretic
  71. Fearsislam
  72. Fearsorthodox
  73. Fearspagan
  74. Fearsslave
  75. Fearstimurids
  76. Fearsturks
  77. Fearsvenice
  78. Feck
  79. Fertile
  80. FertileWoman
  81. ForcedReligious
  82. Genocide
  83. Girls
  84. GloriousFool
  85. GoodAdministrator
  86. GoodAmbusher
  87. GoodAssassin
  88. GoodArtilleryCommander
  89. GoodAttacker
  90. GoodCommander
  91. GoodDefender
  92. GoodDenouncer
  93. GoodDiplomacy
  94. GoodGunpowderCommander
  95. GoodMerchant
  96. GoodMiner
  97. GoodPrincess
  98. GoodRiskyAttacker
  99. GoodRiskyDefender
  100. GoodSiegeAttacker
  101. GoodSpy
  102. GoodTaxman
  103. Gregarious
  104. GrowingConviction
  105. Haemophobic
  106. HaleAndHearty
  107. Handsome
  108. HarshWoman
  109. HasAdultress
  110. HashashinsGuildMember
  111. Hatescatholic
  112. Hatesheretic
  113. Hatesislam
  114. Hatesorthodox
  115. Hatespagan
  116. Hatesslave
  117. Hatesturks
  118. Hatesvenice
  119. HighPersonalSecurity
  120. HorseRacer
  121. HumbleWoman
  122. Hypochondriac
  123. IAmPope
  124. IAmPrincess
  125. IndecisiveAttacker
  126. Infertile
  127. InfertileWoman
  128. InquisitorFailure
  129. Insane
  130. InspiringSpeaker
  131. Intelligent
  132. Introvert
  133. JaguarWarlord
  134. JihadHistory
  135. LaxPersonalSecurity
  136. LegalDealer
  137. Lewd
  138. Loyal
  139. MarriedAPrincess
  140. MerchantEnemies
  141. MerchantsGuildMember
  142. MerchantsGuildTrained
  143. Missionary
  144. Monopolist
  145. Multilingual
  146. NaturalAssassinSkill
  147. NaturalDiplomatSkill
  148. NaturalHereticSkill
  149. NaturalInquisitorSkill
  150. NaturalMerchantSkill
  151. NaturalMilitarySkill
  152. NaturalPriestSkill
  153. NaturalPrincess
  154. NaturalSpySkill
  155. NaturalWitchSkill
  156. NightBattleCapable
  157. Noctophobia
  158. Objective
  159. OpenMinded
  160. Peaceful
  161. Perverted
  162. PopesEnforcer
  163. Pragmatic
  164. PretentiousWoman
  165. PrettyWoman
  166. PriestLevel
  167. Prim
  168. PublicAtheism
  169. Purifier
  170. RansomChivalry
  171. RansomDread
  172. ReligionStarter
  173. ReligiousActivity
  174. ReligiousInactivity
  175. ReligiousIntolerance
  176. ReligiousMerchant
  177. ReligiousTolerance
  178. RhetoricSkill
  179. Righteous
  180. Sane
  181. SecretlyFemale
  182. SecureMerchant
  183. SecurityMerchant
  184. Senile
  185. ServesSelfMerchant
  186. ShadyDealer
  187. Skill
  188. Slothful
  189. Sobriety
  190. SpiritedWoman
  191. StrategyChivalry
  192. StrategyDread
  193. StrickenSerious
  194. StrickenSilly
  195. StrongFaith
  196. Subjective
  197. Superstitious
  198. TheologiansGuildMember
  199. TheologiansGuildTrained
  200. ThievesGuildMember
  201. ThievesGuildTrained
  202. TimidWoman
  203. TolerantWoman
  204. TooOldToFight
  205. TouchedByTheGods
  206. TourneyKnight
  207. UglyWoman
  208. UnchasteWoman
  209. UnfairProsecutor
  210. Unwrath
  211. VapidWoman
  212. WaningConviction
  213. Warmonger
  214. WaveringFaith
  215. WifeIsBarren
  216. WifeIsBitch
  217. WifeIsCharming
  218. WifeIsFertile
  219. WifeIsHorrid
  220. WifeIsNoble
  221. WifeIsWise
  222. Woman
  223. WorldlyMerchant
  224. Wrath
  225. Xenophilia

Give ancillary to specific general give_ancillary[character][ancillary] [level number]

Anything in city's building queue built automatically process_cq settlement name

Toggles fog of war toggle_fow Win the battle auto_win [attacker|defender] Reset stuck character character_reset Show current coordinates show_cursorstat Move object move_character [settler or unit name] [x coord] [y coord]

Ancillaries Use the following values with the "give_ancillary [character] [ancillary] [level number]" code. Some of these can be accompanied with a "level number", usually ranging from 1 to 5, giving additional bonuses (or penalties).

  1. academic_advisor
  2. accomplice
  3. adultress
  4. architect
  5. chastity_belt
  6. diplomatic_escort
  7. explosives
  8. femme_fatale
  9. fine_cosmetics
  10. herald
  11. mercenary_captain
  12. secret_love
  13. witch_hunter
  14. zealous_disciple
  15. amerigo_vespucci
  16. marco_polo
  17. martin_luther
  18. jan_zizka
  19. raphael
  20. niels_ebbesen
  21. arnold_von_winkelried
  22. geoffrey_chaucer
  23. john_wycliffe
  24. bertrand_du_guesclin
  25. aldus_manutius
  26. michaelangelo
  27. hair_from_mohammeds_beard
  28. doctor
  29. tutor
  30. bard
  31. catamite
  32. apothecary
  33. drillmaster
  34. quartermaster
  35. biographer
  36. mentor
  37. taticius
  38. brilliant_inventor
  39. foodtaster
  40. librarian
  41. magician
  42. mathematician
  43. poisoner
  44. shieldbearer
  45. bodyguard
  46. monk