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While in the game, press ~ to display the console window. Enter the following codes to activate the listed cheat function. Be careful! Family member names, settlement names, and other proper names must be capitalized correctly.
Result Cheat Code Get listed amount of gold add_money [number] Give city more population add_population :settlement name][number]
Give any trait your faction can have to a specific general [Note]give_trait [character] rai (Medieval 2: Total War) [level number]" code. Some of these can be accompanied with a "level number", usually ranging from 1 to 5, giving additional bonuses (or penalties).
- AcademyTrained
- AdoredByPope
- AgentPiety
- Anger
- Arse
- AssassinsGuildMember
- AssassinsGuildTrained
- Austere
- Authoritarian
- BadAmbusher
- BadArtilleryCommander
- BadAttacker
- BadDenouncer
- BadDiplomacy
- BadGunpowderCommander
- BadMerchant
- BadPrincess
- BadRiskyDefender
- BadSiegeDefender
- BadTaxman
- BattleChivalry
- BattleDread
- BigotWoman
- Bishop
- Bloodthirsty
- Brave
- BraveDiplomat
- BraveWoman
- CaptorChivalry
- CaptorDread
- Cardinal
- Cheapskate
- ChivalryLegacy
- ColdWoman
- ContentGeneral
- Corrupt
- Corrupted
- Coward
- CrusaderHistory
- Cuckold
- Cultured
- Cursed
- Deranged
- DesperateWoman
- Despoiler
- Disciplinarian
- DiscontentGeneral
- DivineProtection
- Divorced
- Dogmatic
- Doomsayer
- DreadLegacy
- DykeWoman
- EasternWarlord
- EducatedWoman
- Energetic
- ExRebel
- Exheir
- ExoticTastes
- ExpensiveTastes
- FactionKiller
- Factionheir
- Factionleader
- FairProsecutor
- FairWoman
- FaithfulWoman
- FamousPirate
- FathersLegacy
- Fearscatholic
- Fearsheretic
- Fearsislam
- Fearsorthodox
- Fearspagan
- Fearsslave
- Fearstimurids
- Fearsturks
- Fearsvenice
- Feck
- Fertile
- FertileWoman
- ForcedReligious
- Genocide
- Girls
- GloriousFool
- GoodAdministrator
- GoodAmbusher
- GoodAssassin
- GoodArtilleryCommander
- GoodAttacker
- GoodCommander
- GoodDefender
- GoodDenouncer
- GoodDiplomacy
- GoodGunpowderCommander
- GoodMerchant
- GoodMiner
- GoodPrincess
- GoodRiskyAttacker
- GoodRiskyDefender
- GoodSiegeAttacker
- GoodSpy
- GoodTaxman
- Gregarious
- GrowingConviction
- Haemophobic
- HaleAndHearty
- Handsome
- HarshWoman
- HasAdultress
- HashashinsGuildMember
- Hatescatholic
- Hatesheretic
- Hatesislam
- Hatesorthodox
- Hatespagan
- Hatesslave
- Hatesturks
- Hatesvenice
- HighPersonalSecurity
- HorseRacer
- HumbleWoman
- Hypochondriac
- IAmPope
- IAmPrincess
- IndecisiveAttacker
- Infertile
- InfertileWoman
- InquisitorFailure
- Insane
- InspiringSpeaker
- Intelligent
- Introvert
- JaguarWarlord
- JihadHistory
- LaxPersonalSecurity
- LegalDealer
- Lewd
- Loyal
- MarriedAPrincess
- MerchantEnemies
- MerchantsGuildMember
- MerchantsGuildTrained
- Missionary
- Monopolist
- Multilingual
- NaturalAssassinSkill
- NaturalDiplomatSkill
- NaturalHereticSkill
- NaturalInquisitorSkill
- NaturalMerchantSkill
- NaturalMilitarySkill
- NaturalPriestSkill
- NaturalPrincess
- NaturalSpySkill
- NaturalWitchSkill
- NightBattleCapable
- Noctophobia
- Objective
- OpenMinded
- Peaceful
- Perverted
- PopesEnforcer
- Pragmatic
- PretentiousWoman
- PrettyWoman
- PriestLevel
- Prim
- PublicAtheism
- Purifier
- RansomChivalry
- RansomDread
- ReligionStarter
- ReligiousActivity
- ReligiousInactivity
- ReligiousIntolerance
- ReligiousMerchant
- ReligiousTolerance
- RhetoricSkill
- Righteous
- Sane
- SecretlyFemale
- SecureMerchant
- SecurityMerchant
- Senile
- ServesSelfMerchant
- ShadyDealer
- Skill
- Slothful
- Sobriety
- SpiritedWoman
- StrategyChivalry
- StrategyDread
- StrickenSerious
- StrickenSilly
- StrongFaith
- Subjective
- Superstitious
- TheologiansGuildMember
- TheologiansGuildTrained
- ThievesGuildMember
- ThievesGuildTrained
- TimidWoman
- TolerantWoman
- TooOldToFight
- TouchedByTheGods
- TourneyKnight
- UglyWoman
- UnchasteWoman
- UnfairProsecutor
- Unwrath
- VapidWoman
- WaningConviction
- Warmonger
- WaveringFaith
- WifeIsBarren
- WifeIsBitch
- WifeIsCharming
- WifeIsFertile
- WifeIsHorrid
- WifeIsNoble
- WifeIsWise
- Woman
- WorldlyMerchant
- Wrath
- Xenophilia
Give ancillary to specific general give_ancillary[character][ancillary] [level number]
Anything in city's building queue built automatically process_cq settlement name
Toggles fog of war toggle_fow Win the battle auto_win [attacker|defender] Reset stuck character character_reset Show current coordinates show_cursorstat Move object move_character [settler or unit name] [x coord] [y coord]
Ancillaries Use the following values with the "give_ancillary [character] [ancillary] [level number]" code. Some of these can be accompanied with a "level number", usually ranging from 1 to 5, giving additional bonuses (or penalties).
- academic_advisor
- accomplice
- adultress
- architect
- chastity_belt
- diplomatic_escort
- explosives
- femme_fatale
- fine_cosmetics
- herald
- mercenary_captain
- secret_love
- witch_hunter
- zealous_disciple
- amerigo_vespucci
- marco_polo
- martin_luther
- jan_zizka
- raphael
- niels_ebbesen
- arnold_von_winkelried
- geoffrey_chaucer
- john_wycliffe
- bertrand_du_guesclin
- aldus_manutius
- michaelangelo
- hair_from_mohammeds_beard
- doctor
- tutor
- bard
- catamite
- apothecary
- drillmaster
- quartermaster
- biographer
- mentor
- taticius
- brilliant_inventor
- foodtaster
- librarian
- magician
- mathematician
- poisoner
- shieldbearer
- bodyguard
- monk