Codex Gamicus

Game mechanicsUnit typesSkills

Skill descriptions[ | ]

Action skills (行)[ | ]

Attacks (攻)[ | ]

Direct attacks (直接攻撃)[ | ]
Japanese Translation Range Power Uses Notes
格闘 Brawl 1 350 10
打撃 Strike 1 400 10
斬撃 Slash 1 450 8
剣撃 Sword Strike 1 550 5
居合 Slay 1 700 5 Damage is a bit random
突刺 Charging Thrust 1 380 10
槍刺 Lance Thrust 1~2 350 2
剣舞 Sword Dance 0 500 2 Hits all adjacent hexagons, including allies.
飛燕 Flying Swallow 1 300 2 Hits target and all hexagons adjacent to target, enemies only.
突撃 Charging Strike 1 600 3 Has small chance of immobilizing target.
奇襲 Unsuspected Assault 1 300 2 Ignores enemy defense.
撹乱 Disrupt 1 300 2 Has large chance of immobilizing target.
炎のブレス Flame Breath 1 500 5 Hits target and the two hexagons adjacent to both target and attacker, including allies.
氷のブレス Ice Breath 1 500 5 Hits target and the two hexagons adjacent to both target and attacker, including allies. Units hit by the attack has medium chance of being immobilized.

Indirect attacks (間接攻撃)[ | ]
Japanese Translation Range Power Uses Notes
弓矢 Arrows 1~3 250 3
手裏剣 Shuriken 1~2 300 4
投石 Catapult 1~4 1000 1 Low accuracy. Has 35% chance of hitting the wrong hexagon, including allies.
投擲槍 Thrown Lance 2~3 310 2
矢嵐 Arrow Storm 1~3 500 2
超多槍射 Super Multi Lance Shoot 1 1200 1 Low accuracy

Magical attacks (魔法攻撃)[ | ]
Japanese Translation Range Power Uses Notes
火の魔法 Fire Magic 1~3 650 2 Randomly hits 3 out of 7 hexagons, including allies.
炎の魔法 Flame Magic 1~4 700 2 Randomly hits 4 out of 7 hexagons, including allies.
火炎魔法 Inferno Magic 1~4 750 2 Randomly hits 5 out of 7 hexagons, including allies.
大火炎魔法 Great Inferno Magic 1~4 1000 1 Randomly hits 6 out of 7 hexagons, including allies.
水の魔法 Water Magic 1~3 200 2 Randomly hits 2 out of 7 hexagons and immobilizes any unit it hits, including allies.
氷の魔法 Ice Magic 1~3 250 2 Randomly hits 3 out of 7 hexagons and immobilizes any unit it hits, including allies.
流氷魔法 Drift Ice Magic 1~4 300 2 Randomly hits 4 out of 7 hexagons and immobilizes any unit it hits, including allies.
大流氷魔法 Great Drift Ice Magic 1~4 500 1 Randomly hits 5 out of 7 hexagons and immobilizes any unit it hits, including allies.
雷の魔法 Thunder Magic 0 450 2 Hits 3 hexagons in a line of the chosen direction, including allies. Stopped by impassable terrain.
雷撃魔法 Thunder Strike Magic 0 500 2 Hits 4 hexagons in a line of the chosen direction, including allies. Stopped by impassable terrain.
大雷撃魔法 Great Thunder Strike Magic 0 600 1 Hits 5 hexagons in a line of the chosen direction, including allies. Stopped by impassable terrain.
暗黒魔法 Dark Magic 0 700 2 Hits all enemy units adjacent to caster.
大暗黒魔法 Great Dark Magic 0 800 2 Hits all enemy units within 2 hexagons of the caster.
魔・隕石落 Magical Meteor 0 2000 1 Randomly hits 15 hexagons on the map, including allies.
魔法の矢 Magical Arrow 1~5 350 5

Summons[ | ]
Japanese Translation Range Power Uses Notes
悪魔召喚 Summon Devil 1 - 1 Sometimes it fails and summons a low-level monster instead
魔獣召喚 Summon Magical Beast 1 - 1 Sometimes it fails and summons a low-level monster instead
竜王召喚 Summon Dragon King 1 - 1 Sometimes it fails and summons a low-level monster instead

Healing skills (回)[ | ]

All healing skills restores health, increases morale by approximately 5, and removes any immobilizing condition.

Japanese Translation Range Power Uses Notes
治療 Heal 1 600 2
大治療 Great Heal 0 600 2 Heals self and all adjacent hexagons, including enemies.
緊急治療 Emergency Heal 1 700 1 Also grants boost to Physical Offense and Magical Offense.
森のお願い Plea of the Forest 0 800 1 Heal all allies on the map.

Support skills (補)[ | ]

Japanese Translation Range Power Uses Notes
隊列 Formation 0 - 2 Increases offense, defense, and movement of own unit.
叱咤 Scold 0 - 2 Increases moral of own unit.
激励 Motivate 0 - 2 Increase moral of all allies.
咆哮 Roar 0 - 2 Max out moral of own unit.
説得 Persuade 0 - 2 Have a medium chance of decreasing the offense of all enemy units.

Passive Skills[ | ]

Individual constant effect[ | ]

Japanese Translation Range Power Uses Notes
剣の才能 Sword Potential - - - Increases offense of regular attacks.
弓の才能 Bow Potential - - - Increases offense of indirect attacks.
魔法の才能 Magic Potential - - - Increases offense of magical attacks.
剣の才能 Sword Potential - - - Increases offense of regular attacks.
弓の才能 Bow Potential - - - Increases offense of indirect attacks.
魔法の才能 Magic Potential - - - Increases offense of magical attacks.
対魔法防御 Anti-Magic Defense - - - Increases defense against magical attacks.
対剣撃防御 Anti-Sword Defense - - - Increases defense against non-magical attacks.
神剣の構え Godly Sword Stance - - - Increases offense
神壁の構え Godly Wall Stance - - - Increases defense
神速の構え Godly Speed Stance - - - Increases movement
兵士の憧れ Charisma with Soldiers - - - HP +500
戦士の憧れ Charisma with Warriors - - - HP +1000
英雄の憧れ Charisma with Heroes - - - HP +1500
無敵の盾 Invincible Shield - - - Has 20% chance of nullifying enemy attacks.
高速詠唱 Fast Casting - - - When doing magical attacks, automatically attack a second time.
鉄の意志 Iron Will - - - Moral stays fixed throughout battle.
飛行 Flight - - -
? - - - Ignores obstacles when moving.

Individual conditional effect[ | ]

Note that any passive skill that triggers attacks count towards the "uses" of the attack. So if a unit has already depleted the uses of its attack skills, the passive skill will not be able to trigger additional attacks.

Japanese Translation Range Power Uses Notes
連続の構え Consecutive Stance - - - When performing direct attacks, attack twice in a row.
連撃の構え Multi-strike Stance - - - When performing direct attacks, attack thrice in a row.
波状の構え Wave Stance - - - When performing direct attacks, attack 2~8 times in a row.
追撃の構え Follow-up Stance - - - When an adjacent enemy is hit by a direct attack, attacks that enemy with medium probability.
反撃の構え Counter Stance - - - When damaged by an adjacent enemy, attacks that enemy with medium probability.
応射の構え Shoot-back Stance - - - When damaged by an enemy's indirect attack, attacks that enemy with medium probability.
英雄の心得 Hero's Trick - - - When there are no allies in adjacent hexagons, increases offense.
策士の心得 Tactician's Trick - - - When there are allies in adjacent hexagons, offense is increased according to the number of adjacent allies.
戦士の心得 Warrior's Trick - - - When there are no enemies in adjacent hexagons, movement is increase.
逃亡の心得 Escaper's Trick - - - When there are enemies in adjacent hexagons, movement is increased.
弱者の心得 Weakling's Trick - - - When there are enemies in adjacent hexagons, offense is decreased. (This skill weakens the owner of the skill)
侍だから Samurai Nature - - - When only one ally squad is in battle, increase offense.
獣人だから Beastman Nature - - - When only one ally squad is in battle, increase defense.
忍だから Ninja Nature - - - When only one ally squad is in battle, increase movement.
鬼人だから Oni Nature - - - When an ally unit is defeated in battle, offense and defense are increased for the battle.
魔族だから Demon Nature - - - When an enemy unit is defeated in battle, offense and defense are increased for the battle.

Squad-wide effect (軍)[ | ]

Squad-wide effects affect all units of the squad, but only works when the unit equipped with the skill is the squad leader.

Japanese Translation Range Power Uses Notes
知者の陣 Formation of the Knowledged - - - Increases physical offense of units slightly and magical offense greatly. (+3% Attack, +9% M.Attack)
賢者の陣 Formation of the Wise - - - Increases offense of units both physical and magical equally. (+6% Attack and M.Attack)
死者の陣 Formation of the Dead - - - Increases physical offense of units greatly and magical offense slightly. (+9% Attack, +3% M.Attack)
亀甲の陣 Formation of the Turtle Shell - - - Increases physical defense of units slightly and magical defense greatly. (+3% Defense, +9% M.Defense)
岩壁の陣 Formation of the Rock Wall - - - Increases defense of units both physical and magical equally. (+6% Defense and M.Defense)
鉄山の陣 Formation of the Iron Mountain - - - Increases physical defense of units greatly and magical defense slightly. (+9% Defense, +3% M.Defense)
青竜の陣 Formation of the Azure Dragon - - - Increases offense and defense of units. Physical Offense is especially increased. (+7% Attack, +2% M.Attack,Defense and M. Defense)
玄武の陣 Formation of the Black Tortoise - - - Increases offense and defense of units. Physical Defense is especially increased. (+7% Defense, +2% Attack, M.Attack and M.Defense)
白虎の陣 Formation of the White Tiger - - - Increases offense and defense of units. Magical Offense is especially increased. (+7% M.Attack, +2% Attack, Defense and M.Defense)
朱雀の陣 Formation of the Vermilion Bird - - - Increases offense and defense of units. Magical Defense is especially increased. (+7% M.Defense, +2% Attack, M.Attack and Defense)
鳳凰の陣 Formation of the Phoenix - - - Increase offense and defense of units. (+4% to Attack, M.Attack, Defense and M.Defense)
疾風の陣 Formation of the Wind - - - Lets units move earlier in battle.
武道 The Way of the Martial - - - Attack skill uses are increase by 1.
王道 The Way of the Ruler - - - Attack skill uses are increase by 2.
覇道 The Way of the Arrogant - - - Attack skill uses are increase by 3.
名将 Famous General - - - Number of squad commands is increased by 1.
節約者 Conserver - - - Operational cost of the squad is decreased by 90%.
征服者 Conqueror - - - Occupation progresses faster.
経営者 Manager - - - Increases income when asking for money.
学ぶ者 Learner - - - Experience gained is increased by 10%.
研究者 Researcher - - - Experience gained is increased by 20%.
戦略家 Strategist - - - Experience gained is increased by 30%.
歩兵将軍 Infantry General - - - Offense and movement of Infantry, Heavy Infantry, and Elite Infantry units within the squad are increased.
騎兵将軍 Cavalry General - - - Offense and movement of Cavalry, Heavy Cavalry, and Archery Cavalry units within the squad are increased.
弓矢将軍 Archery General - - - Offense and movement of Archer and Archery Cavalry units within the squad are increased.
魔法将軍 Magic General - - - Offense and movement of Mage and Great Mage units within the squad are increased.
森の王者 King of Forests - - - Offense and defense of units are increased when fighting in forests.
草原の王者 King of Plains - - - Offense and defense of units are increased when fighting in plains.
村の王者 King of Villages - - - Offense and defense of units are increased when fighting in villages.
街の王者 King of Towns - - - Offense and defense of units are increased when fighting in towns.
城砦の王者 King of Strongholds - - - Offense and defense of units are increased when fighting in castles and strongholds.
砂漠の民 People of the Desert - - - Units do not take damage while in desert.

Skill availability[ | ]

Skill availability is very dependent on unit type and rank, so some unit type can obtain high level skills on lower rank while some type may not even have the skill at all.

Heroes have their own set of skill progression and unique skills, different from their generic counterpart of the same type.

Example 1: A regular Mage needs to rank up to S before they can obtain Great Inferno (大火炎魔法) spell, while Dark Magician can obtain it at rank A.

Example 2: Elite Infantry can obtain Inferno (火炎魔法) spell at rank A and basic Heal (治療)skill at much lower rank, while Mercenaries will never have any magic skill whatsoever no matter what rank they are.

Example 3: Famous General (名将) squad skill is only available for heroes. Jin (rank A), Aluiette (rank S).Generic units will never get this skill.
