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Weapons guide[]

Human weapons[]


  • Falcon 2 - Joanna Dark's standard weapon, a semi-automatic pistol with eight rounds per magazine. The Falcon 2 has very high accuracy and will fire as rapidly as the Z button is pressed. Its secondary function is a pistol whip. In the game, there are three versions of the Falcon 2: normal, silenced, and scoped. Enemies infrequently produce a secondary armament in the form of a Falcon 2 if they are disarmed and cannot recover their main weapon.
Manufacturer: Carrington Institute
Ammo Type: Pistol Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 8
Special: Equipped with a laser sight for better accuracy. Can also be dual-wielded. Scoped version has a 2.00x zoom rating.
  • MagSec 4 - A very powerful pistol with nine rounds per magazine. The pistol's effectiveness is due to its secondary function, which is a three-round burst fire mode. Its accuracy is poor at a distance, however. This weapon bears similarity to the sidearm used by the titular character in the movie RoboCop, which is a modified Beretta 93R.
Manufacturer: Chesluk Industries
Ammo Type: Pistol Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 9
Rate of Fire (Secondary mode): 900 RPM (Rounds Per Minute)
Special: Has a 2.40x zoom rating & 3-round burst capability. Can also be dual-wielded.
  • DY357 Magnum - A classic .357 magnum revolver which holds six rounds. The magnum deals a large amount of damage per shot, though it has a relatively slow firing rate, as well as a very slow reload time. Its secondary mode is a pistol whip. It is modeled after the Colt Python.
Manufacturer: dataDyne
Ammo Type: Magnum Bullets
Magazine Capacity: 6
Special: Bullets can go through most doors & windows & can go through enemies. Can also be dual-wielded.
  • DY357-LX - A special version of the DY357 custom-made for Trent Easton. It has gold plating and a tiger-skin grip. It fires deadly, one-hit kill shots, making it a truly formidable weapon. This model can be unlocked for use in the Combat Simulator.
Manufacturer: dataDyne
Ammo Type: Magnum Bullets
Magazine Capacity: 6
Special: As well as the DY357's armor-piercing capabilities, this weapon can kill in one hit. However, for shielded opponents, it'll merely disintegrate the shielding. Can also be dual-wielded.
  • CMP150 - A light, fast-firing submachine gun with a 32-round magazine. The CMP150 is used prolifically in the Perfect Dark missions. Its secondary mode, which allows targets to be designated and then locked on to, is exceptionally useful. The weapon is modeled after the Steyr TMP.
Manufacturer: dataDyne
Ammo Type: SMG Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 32
Rate of Fire: 900 RPM
Special: Lock-on function with improved auto-aiming. Can also be dual-wielded.
  • Cyclone - A submachine gun with 50 rounds per magazine. The Cyclone has a very high rate of fire but is very inaccurate to the point that it is useless at long range. Its secondary mode automatically discharges all the ammo remaining in the magazine at rapid speed. This mode can be devastating at close range. The Cyclone is also notable for its rapid reload speed.
Manufacturer: Chesluk Industries
Ammo Type: SMG Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 50
Rate of Fire: 900 RPM (Secondary mode discharges at 2000 RPM)
Special: Can discharge the entire magazine. Can also be dual-wielded.
  • RC-P120 - Arguably the best non-explosive weapon in the game, the RCP-120 is an automatic with a 120-round magazine. Furthermore, it has a very fast rate of fire and high accuracy. On top of this, the weapon's secondary mode enables the player to cloak, though this drains ammunition very quickly. It is rather similar to the FN P90.
Manufacturer: Chesluk Industries (in cooperation with the Carrington Institute)
Ammo Type: SMG Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 120
Rate of Fire: 1100 RPM
Special: Features a cloaking device that wastes the gun's ammo.
  • Laptop Gun - A creative weapon disguised as a laptop. It has limited computing functions (to add to the illusion), but can be unfolded into an automatic weapon with a 50-round magazine. It has a very fast rate of fire. Its secondary mode turns the laptop gun into a turret which can be mounted on the floors, walls, or ceiling. The turret will automatically fire at any enemies, making it extremely useful in multiplayer modes such as Capture the Case.
Manufacturer: Carrington Institute
Ammo Type: SMG Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 50
Rate of Fire: 1000 RPM
Special: Has a 2.20x zoom rating. Can transform into an automatic gun turret for shooting at enemies. Also fires 3-round bursts if the Fire button is tapped quickly, unless manual aiming is on.
  • Dragon - An assault rifle with 30-round magazines. It is pretty standard as a weapon, offering reasonable accuracy, strength, and firing rate. Its secondary mode allows the player to toss the weapon to the ground as a proximity mine, which explodes as soon as someone goes near it (such as in an attempt to pick it up). Its main perk in relation to the other two assault rifles is its speed of reloading; instead of having to insert the magazine and then hit it from the bottom (as is the case on the K7 and AR34), the clip is simply snapped right into place. Based on XM8.
Manufacturer: dataDyne
Ammo Type: Rifle Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 30
Rate of Fire: 700 RPM
Special: Has a 2.20x zoom rating. Can be deployed as a proximity mine to fool enemies into picking it up.
  • K7 Avenger - An assault rifle with 25-round magazines. The K7 Avenger has the strongest individual rounds of any automatic, and far exceeds either of the other two basic assault rifles in terms of rate-of-fire. Coupled with very tight grouping, the K7 is a surprisingly lethal weapon. Equally useful is its secondary mode, threat detector, which highlights red boxes around mines, turrets, and other dangerous objects (including a mine Dragon), while still allowing normal firing.
Manufacturer: dataDyne
Ammo Type: Rifle Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 25
Rate of Fire: 950 RPM
Special: Has a 3.00x zoom rating. Has a threat detector mode for detecting threats such as mines, automatic turrets, & such; yet doesn't affect the firing mechanism except for eliminating muzzle flash. Also fires 3-round bursts if the Fire button is tapped quickly, unless manual aiming is used.
  • AR34 - A standard assault rifle with a 30-round magazine. Out of the three basic assault rifles, the AR34 has the second highest per-bullet damage, though doesn't fire as fast as the K7. The AR34 has very high accuracy and can be used effectively with a scope. In fact, its secondary mode allows the player to walk around while looking through the scope lens. This weapon bears a striking resemblance to the FAMAS rifle.
Manufacturer: Carrington Institute
Ammo Type: Rifle Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 30
Rate of Fire: 750 RPM
Special: Has a 3.00x zoom rating. Secondary mode allows for moving around while zoomed in. Also fires 3-round bursts if the Fire button is tapped quickly, unless manual aiming is used.
  • SuperDragon - This powerful weapon, on the surface, acts as a normal Dragon. However, its secondary mode is a mini-grenade launcher. Not only are these mini-grenades deadly, but the SuperDragon can fire them quickly. This makes the SuperDragon one of the most versatile weapons in the game.
Manufacturer: dataDyne
Ammo Type: Rifle Ammo (primary mode), Grenade Rounds (secondary mode)
Magazine Capacity: 30 (primary mode), 6 (secondary mode)
Rate of Fire (primary mode): 700 RPM
Special: Has a 2.20x zoom rating. Also has a 6-shot grenade launcher for the secondary mode.
  • Shotgun - A standard shotgun with a nine-round internal magazine. Each shell bursts into several fragments that cover a small area, so that accuracy is not as imperative, and so that a direct hit is almost always fatal. The secondary mode enables two shells be fired in one load. One disadvantage is that the shotgun reloads very slowly, as shells are loaded one at a time, and it uses up its magazine fairly quickly with its double shot.
Manufacturer: dataDyne
Ammo Type: Shotgun Cartridges
Magazine Capacity: 9
Special: Secondary mode fires a 2-round burst.
  • Sniper Rifle - A standard sniper rifle with a high magnification scope lens. It carries eight rounds per magazine. Its secondary mode is a crouch mode, for increased accuracy. The normal controls for crouching and standing up instead affect the zoom level of the rifle.
Manufacturer: Carrington Institute
Ammo Type: Rifle Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 8
Special: Has an adjustable 1.00x-30.00x zoom rating. Also, to make up for the inability to crouch normally, the crouching option has been mapped to the secondary function.
  • Devastator - A grenade launcher with an eight grenade magazine. Each grenade has a large explosion (larger than the SuperDragon's), and can kill instantly. Grenades will bounce in primary mode. In secondary mode, wall hugger, the grenade will stick to the first contact (such as a wall or ceiling), then drop after a second and detonate, making good booby traps.
Manufacturer: dataDyne
Ammo Type: Grenade Rounds
Magazine Capacity: 8
Special: Grenades can stick to walls & other surfaces for a few seconds, & then drop to the ground & explode.
  • Rocket Launcher - A rocket launcher. After each rocket launch, the player must reload a new rocket directly in the middle of the tube. The rockets can either be fired straight, or, under secondary mode, the rocket will home in on a selected target. Targeted rockets move much more slowly, making them easier to avoid.
Manufacturer: dataDyne
Ammo Type: Rockets
Magazine Capacity: 1
Special: Rockets can home in on a selected target, though they move slower & cannot maneuver around obstacles well, where they may explode.
  • Crossbow - A wrist-mounted crossbow that can hold five bolts per magazine. The crossbow is somewhat inaccurate since bolts take time to travel to their destination, making it possible for potential targets to dodge its fire. In its primary mode, bolts deal little damage but cause a sedating effect which gives the victim very blurry vision (making it hard to fire accurately). The secondary mode, which is much more useful, fires poison bolts which are lethal and kill in one shot.
Manufacturer: dataDyne
Ammo Type: Crossbow Bolts
Magazine Capacity: 5
Special: Can fire tranquilizer bolts, or one-hit-kill bolts.
  • Combat Knife - Used to slash opponents. The second function allows them to be thrown. A vial of poison in the handle of the knife, that shatters on impact, ensures that any living opponent hit with a thrown knife will die within six seconds. A bug exists in the game that allows this poison to continue to damage a character that has respawned after having died from it. This is probably because the poison is set to always do one healthbar of damage even when the character was not at 100% health when hit with it.
Manufacturer: dataDyne
Maximum Amount: 10
Special: Thrown knives can kill opponents within 6 seconds.
  • Tranquilizer - The tranquilizer is not much of a weapon. Oddly enough, its sedating darts can be fired with a relatively long range. The sedation causes victims to have very blurry vision, like with the crossbow. The secondary function, lethal injection, requires that the user be in close quarters with the enemy, making it very difficult to actually kill somebody with the tranquilizer. The overdose injection kills instantly, whereas its sedative projectiles deal a very low amount of damage. The tranquilizer holds eight darts per magazine.
Manufacturer: unknown
Ammo Type: Sedatives
Magazine Capacity: 8
Special: Can kill in one hit at close range by discharging half the sedative reserves.
  • Grenade - A player can hold a maximum of twelve. The grenade detonates after five seconds. In secondary mode, proximity pinball, the grenade will keep bouncing around erratically, much faster and higher than normal, giving the "pinball" effect. It will detonate when in range of a target. However, they can easily end up bouncing back at the player who threw them.
Manufacturer: unknown
Maximum Amount: 12
Special: Grenades can bounce around like pinballs until exploding within range of a target or running out of oomph.
  • N-Bomb - A small neutron bomb. Upon detonation a dome of blackness appears for about ten seconds, damaging all players caught in the radius, as well as disarming them and causing a severe sedation effect. The secondary mode allows the player to throw the N-bomb as a proximity mine. The N-Bomb can be used effectively in the right hands, especially in Combat Sim matches against live opponents. However, the longer lingering duration of the N-Bomb explosion makes the likelihood of self-inflicted damage high.
Manufacturer: unknown
Maximum Amount: 12
Special: Can be set to proximity fuse rather than impact fuse.
  • Laser - An arm-mounted laser with unlimited ammunition. The laser has perfect accuracy, but is hard to use because of its slow rate of fire. Furthermore, it deals very little damage. Its secondary mode creates a steady laser beam that only works in short range, mostly for the purpose of completing an objective in single player.
Manufacturer: Carrington Institute
Ammo Type: Infinite Ammo
Special: Can be set to fire a constant, short-ranged stream.
  • Mines - There are three different types of mines in Perfect Dark: remote, timed, and proximity. Proximity mines arm after five seconds, and detonate when a player or enemy gets within range, while timed mines explode five seconds after bring thrown. Both have a threat detector as a secondary mode. Remote mines are thrown, and the secondary mode triggers the detonation of all remote mines thrown by the player. All mines can be detonated prematurely by firing upon them, or causing an explosion near them, or tossing other objects (such as mines or a Dragon) at proximity mines.
Manufacturer: unknown
Maximum Amount: 10
Special: Timed & Proximity Mines both have threat detectors, while Remote mines can be quickly detonated by pressing the A+B buttons at the same time.
  • Psychosis Gun - A weapon used in the Maian SOS mission (and other missions, with cheats), which can turn enemies to the player's side. It functions similarly to a tranquilizer. The weapon has no secondary function. It does not work on neutrals/friendlies, nor certain enemies in some maps.
Manufacturer: unknown
Ammo Type: Infective Sedatives
Magazine Capacity: 8
Special: Can infect an opponent's mind & make them fight for you. However, infectingthme again will turn them back to normal.

Alien weapons[]


  • Phoenix - The Maian pistol. It holds eight rounds per magazine, and each round is of medium strength and accuracy. The Phoenix's strength lies in its secondary mode, which makes it fire devastating rounds that cause a small explosion upon impact. The weapon is reloaded by inserting small orbs into the side of the barrel, which the weapon absorbs without opening any apertures.
Ammo Type: Pistol Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 8
Special: Can fire explosive rounds without any cost to ammo capacity, but at a slower rate of fire.
  • Callisto NTG - A very strong automatic weapon with 32 rounds per magazine. In its normal mode, the weapon functions much like a conventional submachine gun or assault rifle; high rate of fire, moderately damaging shots. However, the secondary mode fires high impact shells which can pierce through doors and some other objects, dealing much higher damage at a lower firing rate. This secondary mode is extremely useful in multiplayer. Like the Phoenix, the Callisto is reloaded by feeding it ammo orbs.
Ammo Type: SMG Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 32
Rate of Fire: 900 RPM (primary mode), 300 RPM (secondary mode)
Special: Can fire armor-piercing rounds without any cost to ammo capacity, but at a slower rate of fire.
  • FarSight XR-20 - A rifle combined with an X-ray scanner which allows the player to see through walls. Because the rifle is extremely powerful, its rounds pass through walls and can kill any unshielded entity in one shot. It holds eight rounds per magazine, and has a slow rate of fire. The secondary mode automatically tracks enemies, albeit extremely slowly. While in scope mode, the player is vulnerable since he/she cannot see his/her immediate surroundings. The FarSight has the same reloading function as other Maian weapons. The FarSight was originally envisioned (and promoted, pre-release) as an anti-camper weapon, but actually had the opposite effect, and encouraged the practice among some gamers. The FarSight can be analogized to the railgun from Quake II. The weapon is possibly inspired by the movie Eraser.
Ammo Type: Orbs
Magazine Capacity: 8
Special: Has a powerful X-ray scope that can see through anything. Ammo can go through walls & kill in one hit, except for shielded opponents, where the shield merely disintegrates. Also features a target locator to track down enemies, but it falters against faster enemies.


  • Mauler - An extremely powerful pistol with a 20-round magazine. Its secondary mode allows the player to charge it up, using up several rounds, and combine their power into a single shot. A direct hit with a charge up (which can have up to five rounds combined) is generally fatal.
Ammo Type: Pistol Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 20
Special: Can use up 5 of rounds to charge up the next shot & kill in one hit.
  • Reaper - A monstrous weapon holding 200-rounds per magazine that has terrible accuracy, made up for by its extremely high fire rate. The Reaper requires a second or so to "spin up" before it attains its maximum rate of fire and another second for spin down time. The Reaper can be used to clear out small rooms, or to kill effectively in close quarters. Because it was designed for the Skedar, it is very hard for humans to handle the weapon; crouching improves aiming, however. The Reaper has a secondary mode which uses the rotors as a spinning blade which can cut at close quarters.
Ammo Type: Reaper Ammo
Magazine Capacity: 200
Maximal Rate of Fire: 1800 RPM
Special: Rotors can be used as spinning blades to grind up opponents at close quarters.
  • Slayer - A Skedar rocket launcher. In its primary mode, it's identical to the human rocket launcher. However, its secondary mode allows the player to personally control the rocket and guide it through hallways and rooms to a target. The rocket can be slowed down to make sharp turns. Pressing the trigger while in fly-by-the-wire mode detonates the rocket. During this time, the player is still vulnerable to attack.
Ammo Type: Rockets
Magazine Capacity: 1
Special: Secondary mode allows rockets to be controlled manually. Holding the Manual Aim button slows it down, & the rocket can be prematurely detonated by hitting the Fire button. However, if the player is killed, the rocket automatically detonates. Also, if the rocket goes outside the level, the camera gets all staticky & the rocket goes kaput.

Beta weapons[]

Due to Gameshark hacking & various web sources, a bunch of information has been revealed about beta weapons. For example, a bunch of weapons from Goldeneye, such as the ZMG 9mm & AR-33, were initially going to be included in some missions without cheats [1]. Also, there are a number of strange weapon text references in the memory editor, such as a "MagSec SMG" [2] . Not all of these are just text, though. There are now a few Gameshark codes that unlock hidden beta weapons; such as the Tester, a floating grenade that fires like a Falcon 2 [3].

Weapon quirks & glitches[]

There are a number of glitches in Perfect Dark that involve the weapons [4]. For example, in the Carrington Institute's Firing Range, the Laptop Gun can be used to easily complete the Firing range tests by starting to deploy a Sentry turret, and then quickly aborting & selecting the test that one wishes to complete, before the gun can be thrown, & then starting the test.
