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Phantom Dust Original Sound Tracks
Release Date: November 17, 2004
Track Number - Song title - [Where in game] - Artist/Composer
- 01 Phantom Dust [Title] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 2 May 18, 1976 [Highway] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 3 February 29, 2XX1 [Strange City] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 4 August 31, 1982 [Palace] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 5 March 9, 1991 [Panorama] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 6 October 10, 1986 [Lane] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 7 July 20, 1975 [Plant] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 8 June 6, 1666 [Zain] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 09 Your choice [option] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 10 Face to face [war mode] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 11 Plastic people [Vision Headquarters] - Yuko Araki
- 12 Arsenal [Arsenal] - Yuko Araki
- 13 Memories [Box of Memories] - Rei Ono
- 14 Mac's shop [Mac's Shop] - Yuko Araki
- 15 Club baroness ~Goodbye~ [Bar] - Yuko Araki
- 16 Strange apparitions [Boss 1] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 17 Hallucinations [Boss 2] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 18 Dream [Last Boss 1] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 19 Untitled [Last Boss 2] - Yoshiyuki Usui
- 20 Wanderers [Main Floor] - Yuko Araki
- 21 All these world [Advertise Demo] - Yuko Araki
- 22 Yes I'm Lonely - Vincent Gallo