Resident Evil, known in Japan as Bio Hazard (バイオハザード ), is a survival horror video game by Capcom. The inaugural title and first instalment in the Resident Evil series, it was originally released in 1996 for the PlayStation and was subsequently ported to the Saturn and PC. A further re-releases was made for the PlayStation, the Director's Cut, and the Director's Cut: Dual Shock Version
In 2002, a remake of the game was released for the GameCube featuring new graphics, voice acting and many significant gameplay changes. A Nintendo DS port of the original was released in early 2006 as Resident Evil: Deadly Silence.
It was one of the first games to be dubbed a "survival horror," borrowing from "ambient horror" games such as Sweet Home and Alone in the Dark. Accordingly, Game Informer refers to "the original Resident Evil" as "one of the most important games of all time." The inspiration for Resident Evil was the earlier Capcom game Sweet Home. Shinji Mikami was initially commissioned to make a horror game set in a haunted mansion like Sweet Home.
Reception[ | ]
SEGA Saturn Magazine gave the Saturn version a score of 94% upon its release in 1997.[1]
GamePro named Resident Evil one of the top 20 most important games ever made.[2]