Silicon & Synapse is a former name of the gaming company Blizzard Entertainment. It would first be renamed as Chaos Studios (with no video games released under that studio's name, before being renamed Blizzard Entertainment.
Hearthstone [Curse of Naxxramas·Goblins vs Gnomes·Blackrock Mountain·The Grand Tournament·The League of Explorers·Whispers of the Old Gods·One Night in Karazhan·Mean Streets of Gadgetzan·Journey to Un'Goro·Knights of the Frozen Throne·Kobolds & Catacombs·The Witchwood·The Boomsday Project·Rastakhan's Rumble·Rise of Shadows·Saviors of Uldum·Tombs of Terror·Descent of Dragons·Galakrond's Awakening·Ashes of Outland·Scholomance Academy]