Sofia? is a horror game developed by Hatoge, the creator of "Ouija Sleepover" and "Misfiction," using RPG Maker Explorer. The game's storyline takes place on April 2, 2010. The protagonist, Crow, is on his way to celebrate his one-month anniversary with his boyfriend, Fio Jenkins, at Fio's house. With Fio's parents absent, the care of Fio is entrusted to Sophia Jenkins.
Crow and Fio spend the night together, enjoying a sleepover. However, their happiness is abruptly shattered when Fio mysteriously disappears, and an unknown masked woman breaks into the house. Now, Crow must not only protect himself but also ensure the safety of his beloved while facing off against the intruder. What initially appears to be a simple home invasion quickly unfolds into something far more significant and dangerous.
- Crow: The protagonist of the game, a black-haired youth visiting his boyfriend at his house.
- Fio Jenkins: Crow's boyfriend.
- Sofia Jenkins: A family member of Fio, who acts as his big sister of sorts. She was also one of the scientists working on Project Gen. She was Dale's wife, and even though he fathered Fio with another woman, Claire, Sofia would care for Fio as if he was her own son.
- Dale Jenkins: Fio's father and the scientist in charge of Project Gen and Project Icarus. A gentle, mild-mannered man who desires to unlock the secret to immortality by creating a clone capable of maintaining the memories and personality of the original.
- Dr. Claire Carter: Fio's mother and the head scientist appointed by Dale to work on Project Gen and Project Icarus. She expanded the scope of the project to include human test subjects. A ruthless woman dedicated to achieving the secret of immortality for scientific prestige, she bullied Dale into complying with her every desire.
- Icarus: The masked intruder who breaks into the Jenkins household and bears a heavy resemblance to Sofia. They are actually an intersex iteration created from the combination of Sofia and Fio's DNA.
- The Iterations: Clones created by Project Gen. They hold the memories of the people they were cloned from but have been known to diverge mentally over time.