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Cheat Codes[]
Choose Options > Passcodes:
- IGIVEUP - Unlimited lives
- TOUGHGUY - Permanently unlock all upgrades
- DEADDACK - Unlock all levels
- CHICKEN - Play AT-ST Bonus level
- DIRECTOR - Permanently unlock Showroom
- MAESTRO - Permanently unlock Concert Hall
- FARMBOY - Unlock the Millennium Falcon
- HALIFAX? followed by !YNGWIE! - Permanently unlock Naboo Starfighter
- TIEDUP - Press Up while highlighting the Millennium Falcon to select the TIE Interceptor
- KOELSCH - Replace V-Wing with a 1969 Buick Electra
- ACE - Hard mode
- RADAR - Add depth perception to radar
- HARDROCK - Main menu change #1
- BERGLOWE - Main menu change #2
- WUTZ! - Main menu change #3
- BLAMEUS - Team photo
- CREDITS - View Credits
- Secret Messages - During the entire ending sequence, hold C-Right to see secret messages on the bottom of the screen.