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Cheat Codes[]
Choose Options > Passcodes:
- RTJPFC!G - TIMEWARP - Unlock Episode 4: A New Hope arcade game
- !H!F?HXS - KOOLSTUF - Unlock Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back arcade game
- !?ATH!RD - GAME?YES - Unlock Episode 6: Return of the Jedi arcade game
- LOOKMOM! - Unlock Credits
- THEDUDES - Unlock Documentary
- !KOOLART - Unlock Art Gallery
- HARKHARK - Unlock Music Hall
- !?ATH!RD - Enable black and white mode
- IIOUAOYE - WIMPIAM! - Infinite continues
- EEQQ?YPL - CHE!ATER - Unlock all missions in Single Player
- RWALPIGC - NOWAYOUT - Unlock all levels in Cooperative
- WPX?FGC! - EXERSIZ - Unlock "Endurance in Cooperative
- YFCEDFRH - DSAGAIN? - Unlock "Death Star Escape in Cooperative
- FRLL!CSF - FARMBOY? - Unlock "Beggar's Canyon Race" in Versus
- RTWCVBSH - BFNAGAIN - Unlock Naboo Starfighter in all modes
- TGBCWLPN - ZZBOUNTY - Unlock Slave I in all modes
- QZCRPTG! - HANSRIDE - Unlock the Millennium Falcon in all modes
- VDX?WK!H - ANOKSHIP - Unlock TIE Advanced x1 in Cooperative and Versus
- JASDJWFA - !DABOMB! - Unlock TIE Bomber in Single Player and Versus
- FRRVBMJK - LOOKOUT! - Unlock TIE Hunter in Single Player and Versus
- AXCBPRHK - WHATTHE? - Unlock black Buick in Single Player and Cooperative (Note: The car is gone when you turn off the system)
- MCKEMAKD - ONESHOT! - Unlock TIE Fighter in Cooperative
- BBGMYWSX - JEDIWHO? - Unlock Jedi Starfighter in Versus