Awards | Changelog | Cheats | Codes Codex | Compatibility | Covers | Credits | DLC | Help Localization | Manifest | Modding | Patches | Ratings Reviews | Screenshots | Soundtrack Videos | Walkthrough | |
Achievements GOG | In-Game | Origin | PlayStation Trophies | Retro Steam | Xbox Live |
- AthletesFoot: fire trail
- BHUD: turn Incredi-Meter on/off
- BoaPlace: easier game
- BwTheMovie: slow motion
- Dandruff: launch shrapnel
- DanielTheFlash: super speed Incredi-Power while running
- DashLikes: temporarily unlimited boosting time (Dash)
- DeEvolve: small head mode
- DiscoRules: some objects flash different colours
- Einsteinium: big head mode
- EMode: brightness/bright colours
- Flexible: temporarily unlimited Incredi-Points (Mrs. Incredible)
- GazerBeam: shoot beams temporarily
- GilgenDash: Dash not hurt when running into objects
- Hi: introduction sequence
- ILIEMIAOW: unlock entire game
- InvertCameraX: horizontal camera control switched
- InvertCameraY: vertical camera control switched
- InvertTurret: reverse turrets
- Kronos: super punch
- LaBombe: bomb colour changes
- McTravis: running and ramming Incredi-Power
- PinkSlip: health remains constant (not invincibility)
- RotAIDalg: battle mode
- SassMode: faster game
- Showtime: temporarily unlimited Incredi-Points (Mr. Incredible)
- SmartBomb: destroy all nearby enemies and items
- SpringBreak: level select
- TheDudeAbides: deactivate all active codes
- TonyLoaf: temporarily unlimited Incredi-Points (Violet)
- UUDDLRLRBAS: refill health 25%
- YourNameInLights: credits sequence
PlayStation 2[]
To get cheats in The Incredibles, simply go to the start menu, go to secrets and enter the following codes:
KRONOS = One hit kills
GAZERBEAM = Shoot lasers from your eyes
SMARTBOMB = Blow up everything you can see
SASSMODE = Speed up the gameplay
UUDDLRLRBAS = Replenish 25% of your health
BOAPLACE = Makes game easier
EMODE = Bright colours
Please note that not all cheats will necessarily work on your game.