Time Crisis 3 is the third installment of the Time Crisis arcade series. Like its predecessor, Time Crisis II, it allows for two players to cooperate in a link play environment and has the Time Crisis signature pedal system for hiding and advancing. It was later ported to the PlayStation 2 and mobile phones (including iPhone OS).
Time Crisis 3 incorporates a new type of weapons system allowing the player to switch between the standard 9-round handgun, a fully automatic machine gun that can hold 200 rounds, a shotgun with 50 rounds, and a 5-round grenade launcher with splash damage. Only the handgun has unlimited ammunition, though players can shoot yellow-clad soldiers to gain ammunition for their other weapons.
The game also refines the crisis flash system which life-threatening shots are brighter, making pedal-releasing advisories easier.
This title was later released for the PlayStation 2, together with a side story featuring Alicia Winston as a player, who is only an unplayable supporter in the arcade version of the game. Unlike Time Crisis and Time Crisis II, the home console port features plot elements, features, and weapons not found in its arcade counterpart. As with the PlayStation 2 version of Time Crisis II, players can access the Crisis Mission exercise menu through prolonged gameplay.
One morning in the Mediterranean coast, the Zagorias Federation invades and occupies 80% of Astigos Island despite protests from other countries. The Lukano Liberation Army soon discovers that the Zagorias Federation has smuggled tactical missiles onto Astigos, but Lukano's investigators were kidnapped by the Zagorian Forces.
Alicia Winston emits an overnight attack at Marano Beach only to find out that Lukano's suspicions were true. This prompted Alicia to leak the information to the V.S.S.E., in which they dispatch four-year agents Alan Dunaway and Wesley Lambert to remove what VSSE believes is a threat.
Although Alan and Wesley were lost, they were rescued by Alicia who then directs them to the area where the missiles are located. Along the way, the recurring antagonist Wild Dog attacks Alan and Wesley. This time, his machine gun arm is upgraded with a switchable weapon system and has a new partner named Wild Fang. After Alan and Wesley defeat "the wild pair," Wild Dog appears to commit suicide by detonating himself, again. Meanwhile Alicia discovers that Jake Hernandez betrayed Lukano for the love of money. With the help of the V.S.S.E., Alicia rescues her brother Daniel Winston, and the soldiers captured by the Zagorian Army.
Alan and Wesley engage in a tough fight against the Zagorian General Giorgio Zott inside a missile silo. Although Zott was gunned down, the missiles were launched. Alan and Wesley uses rocket launchers to stop the missiles by firing at the roof of the silo and safely burying them, almost at the cost of their lives. At the self-same instant, Alicia guns down the traitor Hernandez, restoring dignity to her army.
Players can play as Alicia Winston in the PlayStation 2 version of the game, where the game's true ending is revealed.
Mobile phone releases[]
The game was ported to the mobile phones with the name Time Crisis Mobile (3D) and later re-ported in 2009 to the iPhone OS with the name Time Crisis Strike.