Codex Gamicus

Wii Fit

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Videos | Walkthrough
GOG | In-Game | Origin | PlayStation Trophies | Retro
Steam | Xbox Live

Difficulty Levels by Activity[ | ]

Strength Training[ | ]

Single-leg Extension[ | ]

  1. 6 reps per leg
  2. 10 reps per leg
  3. 20 reps per leg

Push-up and Side Plank[ | ]

  1. 6 reps
  2. 10 reps

Torso Twist[ | ]

  1. 3 reps
  2. 6 reps

Jackknife[ | ]

  1. 10 reps
  2. 20 reps

Lunge[ | ]

  1. 10 reps
  2. 15 reps
  3. 20 reps

Rowing Squat[ | ]

  1. 15 reps
  2. 30 reps
  3. 45 reps

Single-leg Twist[ | ]

  1. 10 reps per leg
  2. 20 reps per leg

Sideways Leg Lift[ | ]

  1. 10 reps per leg

Plank[ | ]

  1. 30 seconds
  2. 60 seconds

Tricep Extension[ | ]

  1. 10 reps per arm
  2. 20 reps per arm

Arm and Leg lift[ | ]

  1. 10 reps per arm & leg

Single Arm Stand[ | ]

  1. 6 reps per arm

Aerobics[ | ]

Basic Run & 2-P Run[ | ]

  1. Distance: Short
  2. Distance: Long
  3. Distance: Island Lap

Super Hula Hoop[ | ]

  1. 3 minutes
  2. 6 minutes
  3. 10 minutes

Free Step & Free Run[ | ]

  1. 10 minutes
  2. 20 minutes
  3. 30 minutes

Balance games[ | ]

Soccer butts, Ski Slalom, Table Tilt, Balance Bubble, Snowboard Slalom

  1. Beginner
  2. Advanced

Workouts[ | ]

Let's tone those triceps

  • Push-up and Side Plank
  • Downward-facing Dog

Invigorate your body

  • Sideways Leg Lift
  • Sun Salutation

Say goodbye to body fat

  • Jackknife
  • Bridge
  • Spinal Twist

Work toward balanced muscles

  • Single-leg Twist
  • Half-Moon

You'll find it easier to climb stairs

  • Rowing Squat
  • Chair

This will really test your balance

  • Arm and Leg lift
  • Shoulder Stand

Let's strengthen those core muscles

  • Plank
  • Cobra

Let's tone those hips

  • Single-leg Extension
  • Standing Knee
  • Dance

Strengthen those ankles and triceps

  • Triceps Extension
  • Palm Tree

Two birds, one stone . . . hips and thighs

  • Lunge
  • Warrior pose

Let's tone that waistline

  • Torso Twist
  • Triangle