New zones within the "old world"; Vash'jir. Mount Hyjal, Deepholm, Uldum, and Twilight Highlands
New race/class combinations: Human Hunters, Gnome Priests, Dwarf Mages (despite them being listed as playable in the original World of Warcraft manual, they were not playable), and Tauren Paladins, among others.
Flying in Azeroth; player must purchase Flight Master's License. Does not apply to Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst Isle, Isle of Quel'Danas, or Eversong Woods.
New Races: Worgen and Goblins
New Dungeons
New Raids
New appearance for Stormwind
Zones in Azeroth can be randomly engulfed in flame by Deathwing; a player caught in these fires gained an achievement. These random fires continued until a later patch, once Deathwing had been defeated by the player base.
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Digital Deluxe Editions
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