Codex Gamicus

Developer(s) Centerfleet
Publisher(s) Centerfleet
Designer Centerfleet
Engine Java
status Status Missing
Release date 2000
Genre third-person shooter
Mode(s) multi player
Age rating(s)
Arcade system Arcade System Missing
Media Web browser
Requirements Java
Credits | Soundtrack | Codes | Walkthrough

Wormhole is an abandonware game. It was developed and published by Centerfleet games, but promptly abandoned in lieu of a series of events that left Centerfleet with the name Centerscore, as well as producing cell phone games instead of browser-based ones. Gameplay consisted of fast-paced space shooting, remarkably similar to asteroids. Each player spawned in his/her own area, and the goal of the game was to shoot enemies through your rival's wormhole. Once this was done, that enemy would spawn in your enemy's wormhole, leaving them to deal with it.

It was included in Mindjunk's article "Homage to Dead Games".

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