Codex Gamicus
Codex Gamicus

Yukioniya Onsenki

Edit template

Character proficiencies[]

女将 Landlady 受付 Acceptance
補佐 Assistance 清掃 Cleaning
客室 Guest room 防犯 Crime prevention

Character skills[]

勘定 Calculation 清掃 Cleaning
接客 Serving 防犯 Crime prevention
給仕 Waiter 戦闘 Combat

Job requirements and bonuses[]

Skills that have specified values are used in that job, so the higher it is, the better the results. Also having a proficiency for that job also helps.

Skill -> 勘定 接客 給仕 清掃 防犯 戦闘
Job \/ English Calculation Serving Waiter Cleaning Crime prevention Combat
女将 Landlady +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
補佐 Assistance +1 +1 +1 +1 - -
客室 Guest room - +1 +1 - - -
受付 Acceptance +1 +1 - - - -
清掃 Cleaning - - - +3 - -
防犯 Crime prevention - - - - +2 +1

Inn status[]

旅館の美観 Fine sight of inn 旅館の宣伝力(近く) Advertising power of inn (In the vicinity)
旅館の設備力 Equipment power of inn 旅館の宣伝力(???) Advertising power of inn (Far away)
旅館の質 Quality of inn 仲居のやる気 Waiter's motivation
食事の魅力 Charm of meal 防犯力 Crime prevention power