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Gaia zOMG Original Soundtrack is the official game soundtrack for zOMG!, composed by Jeremy Soule.[1] At its initial release at June 25 2009, buying the OST would also grant purchasers with an item for their avatar; the zOMSountrack Earphones.[2]
Track listing[]
- Description
- The zOMG! Original Soundtrack features all the music from the game and comes with an exclusive virtual item for use on Gaia Online.
- What is zOMG!? It's a free-to-play MMO from Gaia Online featuring tons of players, a huge world to explore, hoards of monsters to fight, and lots of loot to collect.
- For the soundtrack, Soule has taken an approach that harkens back to his days at Squresoft. Does anyone remember "Secret of Evermore"?
- This soundtrack is our first zOMG! release and we anticipate even more in the very new future. DirectSong offers a hi-fi version of what you hear in the game, complete with an exclusive pair of zOMG! headphones for your Gaia avatar.
- ↑ Official Website: Jeremy Soule
- ↑ Gaia Online: zOMG!fest